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Everything posted by alienprincess

  1. ya ive always been confused about that song.. like its not awful but they couldve done MUCH better together
  2. alienprincess

    Charli XCX

    Yup exactly what I’ve heard. Ag did the initial production for the 24hr album and then sent it to Umru sometime after and he did additional production
  3. alienprincess

    Charli XCX

    Ill still forever thirst for that 1 night album she made with ag
  4. alienprincess

    Melanie Martinez

    My ass thought you meant she was fucked up drunk while performing... girl it’s weed lmao it doesn’t impair you THAT much and also, who’s to say they’re ‘cues’? Maybe she just liked the sounds in the songs
  5. All the activity in here lately :;) we love her again!
  6. alienprincess

    Charli XCX

    Yeah I don’t agree with that list at all
  7. My parents grandparents (both sets) brother and boyfriend are all voting for Biden.. so that’s basically my whole family supporting Biden
  8. You keep putting this out there when there’s nothing to back that though ? like it’s a close race and nobody knows yet
  9. first they hate you then they switch, yeah they switch like *******
  10. Shut up it’s a place to discuss our pop music opinions
  11. Literally dozing off on my first listen... it’s boring af but I feel like it could possibly grow idk
  12. alienprincess

    Melanie Martinez

    It’s implied he knew that in his post cause he said they’re corny *now* and yeah who does care... that doesn’t make them not corny though
  13. I don’t see it happening but that’s just me sjsjsj
  14. alienprincess

    Melanie Martinez

    I just compared this to the 2nd chorus (well where the snippet starts) around 2:09 and it sounds exactly the same to me... idk though ??‍♀️ where’s the new vocals takes you hear? Like what time of the song
  15. alienprincess

    Melanie Martinez

    The first chorus/prechorus is different and like more stripped back? But the 2nd chorus is the one in the snippets That’s just a normal progression that happens in a lot of songs though
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