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Pop The Balloons

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Everything posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. I think so as well, and then her playing the guitar part of curly cue on her insta story .... Totally sus
  2. Pop The Balloons


    Also noticed the second side has a very static like noise over it and I've had it professionally cleaned :/
  3. Pop The Balloons


    Anyone with the vinyl noise a popping or crunchy noise on the second half of the song choke enough? I wanna make sure it's not my player
  4. Need this NOW I s2g
  5. Idk why this posted twice sorry
  6. She changed her Twitter name back to cry baby someone pointed out. Idk if it ever changed but yeah, what do we think?
  7. I would like to see it, this hoarding is getting ridiculous
  8. Us Melanie stans died of starvation she said you all get NOTHING 😭
  9. Party 4 u is blowing up on TikTok, it's got over 200k daily streams we absolutely love to see it, p4u deserves. I know this is probably not related but she said music videos are so back I'm hoping for some more mv from her possibly a p4u one
  10. I kinda want the valentine era Charli style music again 😭 low key
  11. Charlene hanging with beabadoobee and clairo, this could be inch resting 😳
  12. Casually scrolling through TikTok and seeing multiple videos with francheskaar in the background had me shook
  13. Ppl r saying it's edited/not the full thing I hope it's not true
  14. Oh??? I guess I'm missing them then because they're not in my library 😭 anyone want to help a sis out
  15. So what songs do we have from the diary entry or that were recorded from the sessions? I'm starting to think we may never get anything close to final in regards to a tracklist
  16. Where are the full XCX world photos at I can't find them NOT ASKING FOR L WORDS JUST CURIOUS
  17. I don't have much, if any hope for any future projects/the rest of the portals era :/ I don't know if it's a label issue or a her issue but it doesn't feel like she really cares as much as she did with cry baby etc
  18. Just remembered drive fast is still un L worded
  19. I love this!!!! The instrumental is giving all is full of love by Bjork
  20. I got one of the milk of the siren vinyl! Also I really badly want to know what the first few drafts and the closest to "final" tracklist we got before she reworked it into what we got.
  21. New song called the tunnel was posted u know where and it sounds good, but the person who posted it left the discord noises and a ton of typing over it so it's hard to listen to 😭
  22. Nothing clearly, she's made this blatantly obvious. you're absolutely right I clocked that on the phone with my besties.
  23. Honestly 😫 I forgot she existed for a second. Sza just as bad rn
  24. Still with on drive fast to l word, we got the Acapella but it isn't the same
  25. Once my brat deluxe vinyl comes all I need is sucker and n1a but I ain't paying more then $50 each for them 😭
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