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Posts posted by ivy

  1. On a personal note: I'm kind of over this whole "I am miserable, I hate fame" theme. She's been going on and on about it on almost every album so far and it's just kind of predictable at this point. Like, we get it. Not criticising how she feels, because I'm in no position to do so, and I do hope that she learns how to deal with it. But hopefully she'll find inspiration to sing about other things as well. It'd be a nice change.

  2. Regardless of how her character feels in the present, something made her leave in the past. That other thing would have been interesting to sing about, imo, so maybe I think she's doing it in a sneaky way. Also, "Baby" is one of those things that made me think she might have been remembering words spoken to her by her (older?) BF in the past (and that boyfriend's happiness, other than might have been caused by being with her, is unclear to me). Anyway, I don't think she  strives to have songs with super *clear* meanings, at least when it may refer to her personal life. So as you said: idk/lol. 


    The thing that made her leave in the past... Doesn't she address it in the song? 


    We had a deal and
    I fucked up when
    I made the decision to become someone
    We had the one thing that no one ever had
    True love
    It's true love


    It makes me think that the reason she left was because she wanted "to become someone".


    Also, I like the idea of the flipped perspective, because it makes sense in other parts of the song where the other person experiences the world as black and blue (which is similar to the person she's singing about in Black Beauty):


    I never meant to hurt you baby
    It's so hard to be true
    In this world where everything's so black and blue


    But I agree, it's not easy deciphering her lyrics! lol

  3. Why would she ask Jesus to take her out of her life (there) when she, in fact, left (there). 


    I didn't necessarily interpret it that way, but it's interesting nonetheless.


    To me it seems that she went to Alabama in a desperate attempt to find happiness, as she is unhappy with her current life and she used to be happy there. She's looking for something that connects her to a sense of happiness and she can't find it. It makes me sad, because I can imagine the intense desperation: her looking around her and realising that there's nothing there anymore that reminds her of those happier times: the trailer parks, the Christmas lights, but also her old boyfriend - who "introduced" her to Jesus, they have all gone. 


    However, by "talking to Jesus" she is looking to connect with her former boyfriend again (and therefore to her old happy past) by saying "I ask Jesus to take me out of this life baby". The word baby seems to indicate that she's talking to the boyfriend, which gives the whole thing another sense of desperation. 


    Ultimately, I don't think it's about suicide, but more about: I used to live a happy life, "I fucked up (I know that), but Jesus" and I'm unhappy, and I want to live a happy life again. Something like that idk lol

  4. just saw my therapist two days ago though and have been seeing one for the past five years. now, because it seems like y'all aren't getting it...


    I agree with Lana. I work hard in my own life to create a space for people to feel empowered through their submission. I'm not going to say what I do specifically, but I work with a lot of people who are submissive and embarrassed and feel ashamed of it, especially when society is always yelling at them to be dominant and powerful. there IS power in choosing to be submissive. I have no problem with that. And I'm allowed to feel de-powered by someone else's words. She said things that made me feel kinda shameful honestly, and guess the fuck what? I'm allowed to feel that. And it's natural to feel shame. I'm allowed to feel affected by other people's words. It's okay for me to not want to jump up and down at this post. this is the third time in the past hour that someone has said that I shouldn't be feeling this way. why the fuck can't I? I explore and decipher the world using my experiences and my thoughts and feelings. that's the way i survive. so I really don't see why "i should stop projecting." I felt some type of way, it's okay for me to feel that type of way, Lana didn't purposely target anyone to feel this type of way, things just happen.

    Absolutely. Besides, there is no such thing as an “objective” truth, so in that sense everyone projects or relates to things from their own perspective. Some people on here are just mean and arrogant in the sense that they believe they “understand” the true meaning behind that instagram post, but fail to realize that they’re just doing the same thing as you (understanding from their own perspective, that is). Which is an absolutely normal thing to do.

  5. I-


    Good for her for speaking up, I guess. But that wall of text was all over the place. I honestly laughed out loud when I got to the last paragraph where she suddenly announced the new releases after her “rant”.


    But yeah, I don’t really have an opinion about whether what she said and the name dropping was “right” or not. It’s just interesting to me to have some insight into how she feels that may be helpful understanding her music (and poetry) better.

  6. https://imgur.com/a/8Ea9usZ



     Jack Nicholson on a boat holding a brunette in green in the movie One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest .. maybe this has something to do with jack Nicholson's grandson being on the cover

    Ooh, that’s really interesting!


    From Wikipedia:

    “One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1962) is a novel written by Ken Kesey. Set in an Oregon psychiatric hospital, the narrative serves as a study of institutional processes and the human mind as well as a critique of behaviorism and a tribute to individualistic principles.”


    A tribute to individualistic principles? Hello Norman Fucking Rockwell?


    From the NFR album trailer:

    “The greatest journey is the journey of the mind since this is what determines the journey of life. Have you ever had the feeling that your mind is on a journey? A voyage of discovery? That sometimes it has to make long passages on dark, uncharted seas? And at other times it discovers bright islands of beauty or of truth. Islands it will know from this day forward, that it can always steer for and find in the storm while the gales of life blow themselves out and the enormous seas of misfortune, or pain, or sorrow, or doubt subside in the calm. Well, if you'll come, I'd like to take you with me on such a voyage of the mind.“


    Ugh, I want this reference to be true so bad lol

  7. sorry, but that expression really irks me. maybe it's just a phrasing issue and not what you actually meant, but it implies she should just settle and be subservient to her boyfriends in order to keep them.


    Oops, wrong wording indeed. That's not what I meant at all and I was unaware of the implication. Sorry. What I was trying to say was that she seems unable to keep a steady relationship.


    But it doesn't really matter what we think about how she handles her relationships anyway.

  8. I also hope things are okay, but for us to feel sympathy and not hold it against her, we really need to know the excuse sooner rather than later.


    All it would take is for her to copy and paste the statement on her personal channels. After working in customer service, I find not apologising or issuing a statement immediately very rude and disingenuous.

    Oh definitely. As someone who also used to work in customer service, I absolutely agree. Guess I was trying to find an excuse for her behaviour, but you’re right.

  9. I’m sure she’ll address the cancellation (on Twitter or Instagram) soon. There must be a reason why someone else issued the statement and not her. Not to be dramatic, but it makes me think something’s up; so I think we shouldn’t be too hard on her.


    As for the show in Amsterdam I was supposed to be going to today, I am disappointed but also kinda relieved it got cancelled? Like some of you said: same old setlist, use of backtracks, etc. Not really something exciting to look forward to, but it would’ve been nice to see her again, I guess.


    I wish her the best and hope she recovers from whatever she’s suffering from.

  10. She’s used the “white hot” line before hasnt she? I wanna dig for the songs she did use that on bc I can’t remember now but it’s nothing “new” to Lana in a way. Maybe it’s in reference to other songs and could have similar meaning or usage?


    "You, ooh-ooh-ooh

    You light my red fire, babe
    Hot white and blue
    And I, I think that you
    I think you're so cool, babe
    Lovin' everything you do"
    From On Our Way

  11. Thank you Rick Nowels for being u and for bartender and a bit of happiness is a butterfly.


    What about TNBAR, though?  :noparty:


    it’s been fun putting stuff out as it comes and grateful to have it all out now”


    Really?  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

  12. If I had one question to ask Lana, it would be to know what that song in the video was, hands down. I think about it all the time. I’m so struck by it. I would love a record where she belts some notes, like in this video or like how she’d sing Heart Shaped Box or Million Dollar Man. A classic rock / jazz fusion album would be a dream.

    But for some reason I kind of agree with the general consensus thought that this record may be low key and dreamy, Honeymoon-esque (even though we have absolutely no information about it whatsoever :toofunny:)


    Honestly SAME, sis  :defeated: 


    Those notes are so mesmerizing. It's like Lizzy vocals on crack or something (in a good way)  :icant:

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