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Posts posted by ivy

  1. I just got home from the concert! And honestly, I expected the concert to be amazing, but it was so much more than that. Her presence, her beauty, her voice. Ugh, where do I even begin.


    She has a certain kind of vibe which you don't get from all the photos and videos of her. You would actually have to see her in order to experience that. That's what stood out to me the most tonight. 


    I really wanted to experience the concert, so I didn't film much. The only song I really wanted to capture was Yayo (which is my favourite song). Freshly uploaded:

  2. I always thought it was funny/odd in the radio interview when the guy brought up Architecture and she said “that’s another song I always talked about” because she never did. Wonder why she thought she did or lied?


    Right? Haha


    Maybe she always talked about these songs with the people around her? Like, not in the media? Idk

  3. We've cracked the code for this music video! We already talked about this in the LDR6 Pre-Pre-Release thread, but I don't want it to get lost there (and also because it was off-topic), so that's why I'm adding my analysis to this thread (with receipts!)


    The scenes shot with Rich Lee were probably not intended to be for WM, but they were for both BAR AND Yosemite. Why? Because...

    - White Mustang (the song) wasn't recorded at the time the music video was shot (hence her not singing in the video). Also, she said that she wrote Cherry and White Mustang at the end of writing Lust for Life in this interview;

    - There seems to be a match between the unfamiliar melody Lana hummed in this behind the scenes video and the few lines of Yosemite she sang at her LFL listening party (especially the 'adlibby' way she sings "reasons");

    - In the same behind the scenes video, Lana was asked by someone if she wanted to do the "other song" to which she responds "yes", which means that they were shooting scenes for at least two songs;

    - Lana herself had said that BAR and Yosemite were like yin and yang in the same interview posted above.


    I think we could've gotten an amazing cohesive narrative in terms of just these two songs with amazing visuals. That's why I think it's so unfortunate that BAR leaked and that we can't see the rest of what Lana had in mind for the narrative that is BAR-Yosemite.


    I had never really cared for Yosemite, but now I do. I really wish to read the lyrics of Yosemite someday so we could further analyse why it would be the yin to BAR's yang. We already know that there is somewhat of a repetition of the lines "you did it (all for fame)" in BAR and "we did it for fun, we did it for free" in Yosemite.


    And we also know about the setting of BAR-Yosemite: "from Topanga to further up north" (from the same interview posted above). Does anyone know if the 405 she drives through is the route from Topanga to Yosemite?


    PS. The links to the videos directly skip to the right parts of what was said exactly.

  4. i dont think the leak stop BAR from being released. i honestly think BAR wasnt released because it has "Best American" in the title and she now sees that america isnt the great thing she thought it was. didnt she say she wanted to distance herself from her americana imagery? lol but she did release GBAAATBWII lol idk 


    Excellent point. This actually gives me newfound hope for the release of both BAR and Yosemite on the new record lol. She did, however, change the title from BAR to Architecture, so something was definitely up with that title. 

  5. Maybe Lana said Yosemite was "too happy" because it was missing its other "too sad"-half BAR. Let me explain in terms of Yin and Yang:


    "Many tangible dualities (such as light and dark, fire and water, expanding and contracting) are thought of as physical manifestations of the duality symbolized by yin and yang." So what about the duality of happy vs sad? 


    She is such a poetic and cryptic person. I love that about her. If that is her explanation for keeping it off of LFL, then that's actually a much nicer way of saying: "you guys stole the other half, so you're not getting this".

  6. I just thought... what if the "other song" was actually Get Free since it has a little part in the video?


    I'd like to believe that. But I think she sort of imposed a new sense of meaning onto the already filmed scenes. Trying to make something of these "useless" expensive scenes filmed by an expensive director.


    For instance, in the MTV interview (posted by @@UltraHeroin a few posts above), when asked whether it is a rocket or missile going up in the air, she says: "it started as a rocket, a year ago. And as tensions had been rising with North Korea, I've been thinking about it more as having a nuclear connotation". Which to me seems, idk how to put it... Uninspired. Uninspired, because it was not an integral part of the creative process, but rather imposed later on. 

  7. Wouldn't it be absolutely crazy to think that maybe we lost Yosemite due to the BAR leak? 


    I know, I know, Lana herself said that Yosemite was too happy, but why would she put out a song that's only a "yin" without a "yang"? She couldn't give it to us fully because of the damn leak... Which is actually such a shame.

  8. She clearly wanted the video to be for bar..''My baby used to dance underneath my architecture'' while the video was filmed in a Lottner house and lana has said in the past that she loves the architecture of these type of houses..And also later in the video you can see that guy working on some super performant stuff..what looked like mixing some songs, being obsessed with his work of creating the next best american record, and kind of ignoring Lana beacause of his obsession...The mystery is what is the other song that Lana wanted to switch on set? Because I don't think it's white mustang..the video was shot I think way before she wrote white mustang, because she clearly said white mustang along with cherry were written in march-april, 2017....SO WHAT IS THAT OTHER DAMN SONG??


    I absolutely agree with you. I'm going crazy over here lol. I've been comparing the Yosemite snippet with the melody and they seem to match, especially the "we did it for the right reasons" part. The way she sort of 'adlibs' (is that a verb?) the word "reasons" seem similar.

    You can check for yourself on this site to see the videos side by side.


    Someone else already mentioned it, and considering the fact that Lana herself said that Yosemite and BAR were like Yin and Yang, the most likely possibility is that these video scenes were probably intended for BAR AND Yosemite... 


    It all makes sense: 

    - White Mustang wasn't recorded before the video was shot (hence she doesn't sing in the video)

    - The video was most likely intended for BAR (supported by the few lines she sang in the BTS video and the obvious imagery) AND Yosemite (or maybe I need hearing aids)


    I'm too excited to properly type lmao. Someone take the wheel

  9. He said "what was the other song you wanted" or something along these lines and she started singing BAR in response so


    He did not say that exactly, but it's a good idea to review what was said exactly:



    (is this how I embed a YouTube vid?)


    In the first part Lana is humming/singing some sort of melody that is unfamiliar to me. Does anyone know what it is?

    Next, she sings a line from BAR. And later on, someone asks her: "Do you want to switch over to the other song you wanted?" to which she responds: "yes".


    Am I going crazy? lol

  10. To be completely honest, I don't think 'White Mustang' had even been recorded at the time the video was shot. Do we know moreless when the music video for BAR/WM was recorded?


    Anyway, Lana mentioned that songs like Cherry and White Mustang were some of the last tracks she recorded for the album where she sounded kind of annoyed, which made her realise she wasn't at the point she thought she would be when she recorded Yosemite and made her scrap the song. Since she was talking about Yosemite in mid April, I don't think White Mustang and Cherry were so developed in April and we already knew a video for a song had been shot when she posted behind the scenes videos on Instagram in late February


    I think you're right!


    So what would this "other song" that Rich Lee mentioned then be exactly? Maybe a song we don't know about? Or maybe one of the other songs of LFL?

  11. I doubt it. Music videos are planned almost a year in advance, especially if you hire a busy director such as Rich Lee. Love was recorded a couple of months after HM and was decided almost right away that it would be the lead single. The video was shot on the summer of 2016. LFL (the song) was finished in the same months and was planned as the second single. A third video directed by Rich Lee was planned from the start, most likely for BAR, but the track listing of the album was not final at the time and i believe Lana's team had not decided yet what the third single would be for sure. In order to have the video shot for a third single, they opted to tell a story without Lana singing, so any song could fit to the images. The BAR / WM video was shot in February or March, pretty much at the same time the song leaked. True, Love leaked and they rushed released the single, because they could not undo everything and plan from the start the whole marketing strategy of the album.

    ​I truly believe that the BAR leak pushed her to record more songs and thus, changing the initial sound of the record, making it a bit odd to have folksy and "simpler" songs like BAR and Yosemite on the same record as the heavy beats dominant on the first half of the album.


    That makes a lot of sense, actually

  12. Still shook that she legit scrapper bar, despite having filmed a whole fucking MV for it. Yet she didn't scrap love when it leaked. :icant:


    Agreed. Ugh! 


    I'm not trying to be all conspiracy crazy, but I can't help but think that the leak of BAR was somewhat intentional on Lana's part... Remember how Rich Lee asked her if she wanted to do the other song? It means that they shot scenes for both BAR and WM. Why would they do that? Were they anticipating a probable leak?  :creep:

  13. while listening to the song i realized that maybe instead of saying “ lilacs in my mind all the time are blooming beautifully”, what if she’s actually saying “lilacs in my mind all the thyme are blooming beautifully”


    Thyme present and thyme past...

    ...are both perhaps present in thyme future

    And thyme future contained in thyme past...

  14. A wedding ring* according to 2017-2018 Lana  :hooker:


    Which is interesting that she sang that. Because it alludes to the finiteness of marriage ("till death do us part") as opposed to the notion of eternity (see how the Os in Honeymoon on the album cover are linked like an infinity symbol). It makes me think about her writing process.

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