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Posts posted by ivy

  1. The fact it took three years for her to finish Hope while she also took only four hours to make the far superior both sonically and lyrically Change should be laughable  :lmao:


    If you put it that way, yes, I can see why that's funny lol. But those two songs are completely different thematically. She's singing about the concept of change; not so much about how she relates to it on a personal level.  


    For my thesis I've been reading about a gruesome topic, and one of the papers I had to read for it was about research on actual and simulated suicide notes. The expert in that particular paper said: “f you asked a person to write a suicide note, you put him in a suicidal context and he has to say, ‘I wonder what suicide is like?’ and he puts his mind around the concept of suicide. Then there is another person who is sitting there with a revolver about to shoot himself to death. He is not thinking about suicide; he is thinking about killing himself”


    Granted, the comparison is a bit extreme, but the same can be said about "Change vs. Hope": in Change she is talking about the concept of change, and in Hope she is relating a certain concept to herself. If it makes any sense.

  2. "Well, I thought so, too. I thought my tastes and likes were pretty normal, but then I met everyone and I was like, “These people don’t actually care about music and art. They want to be cool.” I never met anyone who cared about music as deeply as me and my boyfriend, or who really cared about poetry—who really lived it and breathed it. I haven’t met anyone so far. I just can’t affiliate with those people."


    I'm just going to bold these statements and leave this here.

    Gives us a whole different perspective on the current situation, doesn’t it? What do you think about those particular parts you highlighted?

  3. I am going on a trip in July: I was sure i’d Have it as well...

    NFR is a dangerous thing for us stans to have - but we don’t have it

    So I was right. Her whole look really was practically forced on her. Huh.

    Probably forced it on herself not knowing what to do with the sudden virality (?) of Video Games and subsequent fame, imo. Trying to hold onto that momentum where everything was happening for her to get things started. Shit, imagine if something like that were to happen to you. I wouldn’t know what to do lol!

  4. Also, the fact that Lana immediately assumed the interviewer was asking her about her style musically rather than her looks just affirms that that kind of style is not the first thing she thinks of lmao. She's in it for the music.


    The fact that she feels that there is a disconnect between her public image and "who [she] is", to me, feels kind of disturbing. In the first place, because do we actually know "who [she] is"? It made me think of MAC, where she told us: "And who I am is a big time believer".


    And in the second place, imagine trying to be someone you're not. Must've been weird for her, to say the least. Hopefully she doesn't feel that way anymore and maybe we'll see reflections of that in her new music. 

  5. i thought it was confirmed or widely believed that this was about the hell's angels


    Oh of course! I was already overanalysing the whole thing lmao. California as a place where people rise to fame, a place of evil, maybe hell. The "hell's angels" with a double entendre, the freedom of the bikers, but also the deceptions and fake people of Hollywood. Idk lol

  6. Not my favourite topic to discuss, but because some of you like to discuss the way she looks... I found this old interview from 2013 and what struck me was the following (and I still believe this pretty much applies to her still):



    First, let’s talk about your style, because you definitely have it. Was there an iconic figure that influenced that?

    Like musically?
    No . . .
    More looks-wise? Well, vibe-wise. The funny thing is that my style is something that no one ever asked me about until a couple of years ago. For years it was all music driven. I really loved Nina Simone; Kurt Cobain was my driving influence; I listen to everything Bob Dylan did . . . But in terms of actual style icons, female icons? No. I was impressed with what someone like Karl Lagerfeld built and did and the house that he made, but there was never really a female figure I wanted to emulate.
    Karl Lagerfeld? That’s really interesting because I never would have associated the look you have with someone like him.
    Yeah, I know. But a lot of the reason my look is the way it is is because it’s really easy to put on a sundress every night if I have to perform—or just wear jeans every day and a flannel or something. Stylistically, I love make-up. I love doing my own make-up and stuff, but clothes-wise, I actually didn’t ever really care. Initially the fashion world was more interested in me than the music world, which was strange when I first started singing.
    Your music and your image often seem inseparable.
    Yeah. It is now, but it shouldn’t be. I don’t actually care. But because of the way I look, it looks like I really do care.
    So that means you do separate the music from . . .
    Yeah, because I don’t believe . . . well, I don’t know how to put it. I don’t think it’s appropriate to try and look extremely beautiful. I don’t think it’s a good message or focus. I actually have been writing and singing on the Lower East Side since I was seventeen, but a lot of a person’s history doesn’t really translate.
    So how important is it to have total control over your image, especially today?
    It’s important—really important. It’s hard, though. It’s gotten totally taken away from me. I don’t have that much control because things go viral really quickly. I went from having no real fan base or interest to having a lot of really skewed interest and criticism. But for the majority of eight years before that in New York, I sang to the same people in the same bars and had a pretty comfortable experience doing that. That’s not really possible for me anymore, because bloggers are really influential and people are really influenced by reviews and five star critics. And those people are really influenced by images, and what they see quickly. Also, a lot of what’s been written about me is not true: of my family history or my choices or my interests. Actually, I’ve never read anything written about me that was true. It’s been completely crazy.
    When did you realize that it had gotten out of control?
    The first day that anyone ever wrote about me, as soon as I put “Video Games” up. Everything they wrote was fucking crazy. Like about my dad, about me, like having millions of dollars, and all this shit. I was like, “Really? I thought I was supporting everyone!” [laughing] Everything was not true. As soon as the first person wrote about me, the articles became just blatant, all-out lies. I consider it slander. If I cared more, I’d kill them.
    Obviously you will know that in preparation for this interview I read a lot of that stuff.
    Yeah, but none of it’s true.
    Because there does actually seem to be a disconnect between your public image . . .
    And who I am?
    And the private life you talk about.
    There is a disconnect, yeah. I spent the last ten years in community service and writing folk songs. I don’t give a fuck about what I look like. Saying I came from billions of dollars is crazy. We never had any money. I feel, as a person who grew up reading about and being inspired by other figures with integrity, to kind of be turned into the antithesis of that is not what I planned. It’s the way it’s going right now, but I deal with it as it comes.


    I think it's admirable that she's honest about "not caring", and I feel like she gets to be herself after all this time. I guess with this album cycle it really is supposed to be all about the music, and that's fantastic. 


    Sorry for the long quote. If you want to read the entire interview, you can find it here.



    (also sorry for being bitter lately, I'm currently under a lot of stress, and stress makes me mean lmao)

  7. While reading Hell's Angels it totally dawned on me that this is exactly what inspired this song...

    The book details that there is a mantra that is commonly seen on the vests of riders, DFFL - Dope Forever, Forever Loaded

    Clearly, that is the where the chorus and the title of the song derive from.

    That totally span me out realising she means angels in the context of Hell's Angels...  :hdu:


    Damn, amazing find! That sheds a whole different light on the lyrics 

  8. I understand what you're saying, and I 100% agree about becoming too emotionally invested/frustrated over someone else's life/decisions. That's not healthy or productive. However ...


    I don't think that discussion of her friends is irrelevant, given that they are part of her new ... lifestyle (if we could call it that) and that that lifestyle seems to be, at least partially, the reason for the NFR delay. As I said, it's her life, and her decisions, but as a public figure, she can expect to have those decisions scrutinised and seeing as this is a discussion board, I don't feel that it's wrong to do so here.


    I'm hoping the cover is a reproduction of one of Norman's works ... there are so many good options ... like that one someone posted awhile ago with a woman slumped against a wall with a book in her lap. She could replace all the objects with objects pertaining to her and it'd be sooo much fun to see.


    Yeah, I get what you're saying and in this drought I guess we have resorted to discussing her "lifestyle". But we literally don't know whether her friends are the reason for the delay of the album; it's a wild assumption. If you could even call it a delay at all (considering that ThErE iS nO pLaN). 


    When I come here to check this thread, I expect to read about NFR related stuff. I don't think that's an unrealistic expectation. If people really want to discuss things such as her friends, her drinking matcha tea or whatever, then make a thread for it. 


    OT: A reproduction of a Norman Rockwell painting would be amazing! I'm not sure if she would actually do that, because of her own artistic vision

  9.   ...are y’all ok? She just found a group of girls she gets along well with. You don’t know them, you don’t know what type of people they are. It’s so weird how people on here are so obsessed with who she’s friends with when in reality we know nothing about her friend group except for what we see on their instas.


    I think we should just accept the fact that some of the delulus on here are not in touch with their own reality and move on. Imagine getting personally frustrated (some here even get emotional :deadbanana: ) over things that do not affect your personal life... at all. It's sad, but that's just the way they are  :what:


    OT (as far as that's possible with nothing happening): maybe we can talk about the album cover again? Do you think she'll be in white (as always)? 

  10. Totally agree! 


    This theme of 'the burden of fame' is also there in Cherry, 13 Beaches, and  she even wrote a haiku about it for her poetry book:


    “Jasmine in the air

    the burden of fame is real

    never felt so clear.” 


    Also, I've recently made a couple of notes on every track off Honeymoon and I think the entire album is some sort of reflection on how she experiences fame. I'll try to work out my notes and post my findings in the Honeymoon thread. There's a lot of inter-referencing (?) going on in the album, which is honestly fantastic  :flutter:

  11. Oh no honestly definitely, would be open to it, 'cept for the fact that it also kinda reminds me of biggie biggie biggie can't u see sometimes ur words just hypnotize me. Maybe Lana can pull of some kinda San Pedro modern day version sound of Gwen's Luxurious n video sorry sleep deprived if that even makes sense gahaaa


    short answer, it'll need some tweaking, but it's got potential


    I honestly have no idea what those things are lmao


    But if she can make those (muddy) trap beats work on an album like Honeymoon (where it seems like merely an appeal to sound current, and yet it doesn't) with grandpa Nowels and Kieron, imagine what she can do with Jack. Someone who suffers (or has suffered) feelings of depression (like Lana) producing an "introspective sad girl shit" album. This album's going to be something, I bet. 


    Music To Cry Over Boys To  :defeated:

  12. Alright alright, so May 20th? I mean, idk, hope we're pleasantly surprised. I actually kinda dig the Sublime track, reminds me a little bit of like Sugar Ray meets Bob Marley, and if Lana did do a cover on it, and fine tuned it to her style, the verses reminded me of how she sings her own verses in Sad Girl, and MTWBT, and how she sings in a kind of sway 


    It'd fit the beach vibes for sure, and compliment the abstractness of VB, but from what we've gotten so far, it's still far from being cohesive w everything else imo 


    She'll make it work, I'm sure! The fact that most of the snippets and songs we've heard are mostly piano-driven only adds to the cohesiveness, imo. Like, it doesn't always have to be the lyrics. Though I think there are overlapping themes and elements in the lyrics already anyway. Just have a little faith!  :flutter:

  13. sorry if people have said this before (i've gone through this whole thread, read every post lmao it was the reason i joined but i could have missed something cause i smoke weed a lot lmao) but i always figured High By The Beach was about fame. "boy, look at you lookin' at me/i know you don't understand [...] now you're just another one of my problems, because you got out of hand" like she realizes the media/GP doesnt "get" her and she's said a few times that all she wanted was to be like, a poet, so i feel like HBTB was written out of a place of frustration when she was feeling like the fame she wanted before is just causing problems for her now. 


    and "the truth is i never bought into your bullshit when you would pay tribute to me" like she never really believed the music journalists when they fawn over her now because they all shit on her before and she knows that it's all so fickle and people will just repeat whatever pitchfork (or whoever) says. like "oh sure y'all like me now and pretend you always did but i remember when i was a literal laughingstock" 


    it's one of those songs she's got where she's talking to a man but it's very obvious, at least to me, that it's one of her relationship-as-metaphor songs, it's more obvious than others hahah but hey that's just my two cents :kiss:


    Totally agree! 


    This theme of 'the burden of fame' is also there in Cherry, 13 Beaches, and  she even wrote a haiku about it for her poetry book:


    “Jasmine in the air

    the burden of fame is real

    never felt so clear.” 

  14. Some of these new lyrics definitely gives an idea of what the song is about. It does sound like she’s talking to a child, maybe a niece?

    In any case, it’s such a sweet song. I always thought the “swing it hot, cherry blossom, on your sycamore tree” line from the Insta vid made zero sense. But with the line actually being, “I push you high, cherry blossom, on your sycamore tree,” she’s probably talking about how she was literally pushing the kid on a swing


    "I can see my baby swinging"  :creep:

  15. can elle lock this thread or something and unlock it (by charli xcx) when we get actual news? thanks


    Of course not, because then the revenue from the ads would plummet since this thread is the most active one  :toofunny:


    I was wondering if anyone has checked those song registration websites yet to see if there are any new registrations? If Lana is about to release something soon, something must have been registered then perhaps?

  16. What is it this time? Is it the lack of oxygen? Is it the childhood trauma again?  :um2: I swear, if you get upset over a tweet by someone you don't even know you should probably reconsider your life choices.  :awkney:


    It's the same toxicity again: bashing others based on nothing but assumptions. 


    So get yourself checked hunties! It may indeed be the lack of oxygen; in that case I advise you to go outside more, but I'm not a medical professional, so make that phone call for yourself!  :kiss3:

  17. Having recently woken up to the narcissistic abuse of my parents, this song really resonates with me. 


    I may be reaching since this is obviously a hugely personal song but my interpretation is that Lana is subtly discussing the impact of her narcissistic mother's emotional abuse and subsequent abusive relationships.


    I'm so sorry to hear that, but thank you for sharing your perspective! Though it's difficult to make such a bold claim, I think it's very convincing.


    If she really is referring to her mother in the line "she couldn't care less and I never cared more", that would paint such a sad and vulnerable picture. It also makes me wonder whether she has experienced psychological trauma as a child (and if that trauma has anything to do with her alcohol problems in the past). Who knows. 


    On the other hand, I'm not sure if she would actually share such deeply personal things as she has mostly written about different kinds of troubles (heartbreak, fame, etc.). It would be such a different or deeper layer or something. Like, there is personal and there is personal, if you know what I mean? Idk

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