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Posts posted by ivy


    I'm here for the new version of BAR. I'd enjoy it more if we didn't have the demo to compare it but it's nice because its a different take on the same song.


    I think the demo went from like her being tired of this guy just caring about fame and she’s leaving him because of that

    to the new version being "i dont care if thats what you want, its what i want now because i want you" 


    So she basically went from being a top to a sub bottom



    And we gotta give her credit. The sheer audacity of having filmed a music video for it by a well known producer, then rejecting it for LFL and THEN putting it on your new record JUST LIKE THAT. She bold!!!  :lange:

  2. HM & UV are lightyears ahead of BTD, but BTD is far more interesting than Norman’s Demos. Cinnamon Girl is a BTD reject much like Cherry was & the serial killer throwback in HIAB is just embarrassing lmaooo. All the dance and party lines on Norman’s Demos damn ma she was more lyrically creative when she was 25-26 :rip:


    Yeah, I get what you're saying. I've always thought that that was some sort of reference to that Florida guy who wanted to harm her at one of her shows, as it was around that time that she shared that snippet I think. So in that sense, it may be an odd choice of words, but interesting nonetheless. 

  3. I still hear the "Fame, fame, fame, fame" in the backing vocals lmao


    Like, I don't want to come across as bitter, because usually I like everything that she puts out, but everything about this "era" has seemed so lazy in every department: her way of singing has become "lazy", the selfies as cover pictures, and the way she did BAR wrong like that.


    I bet TNBAR (and DT) was one of the last additions to NFR, as she stated that the album was done and had 11 tracks initially. So idk. I'll just force myself to appreciate it I guess

  4. TNBAR is fine


    If you listen to it with a good set of speakers (or earphones), you can tell that the new bits just don't flow well with the existing verses in terms of sound quality.


    I'm all for the new TNBAR if it had been re-recorded properly (by Jack). I just think it's a missed opportunity. 


    But maybe Lanz wanted grandpa rick to have some income from her new album too, who knows 

  5. I've listened to the entire thing and I must say that I'm quite disappointed tbh. :(



    No interesting melodies (except for a couple of songs), her voice falls flat plenty of times and is sometimes drowned in the production, the new bits in TNBAR literally sound like they've been cut and pasted in, barely any hooks, meh lyrics.



    I hope this album will grow on me, the same way that Honeymoon grew on me eventually. Oh well


    Don't kill me lol

  6. You are TRYING to get my girl clocked, booked and locked. ivy ma'am, don't grab it and run. First find a way to discretely rip off any electronic tags that could set off the alarms. Then gently slip her into your purse and strut calmly out the door  :diva:   no feeling guilty cause you did the RIGHT thing 


    I need a sidekick for this. I'd be too nervous, and besides, you have the knowledge. Let's go  :creepna:

  7. with the recent release of "The greatest," his theory gets a bit of more hold. :raven: :et:


    Yeah, I guess so! In terms of her songwriting it seems like she's literally describing her experiences (day-in-a-life way of storytelling) as herself: 


    • "You took my sadness out of context at the Mariners Apartment complex", like, that's oddly specific! lol
    • "So I moved to California", it's literally her who has moved there, no fictional story-telling here.
    • "Hawaii just missed a fireball / L.A.'s in flames, it's getting hot", again she's describing real events. 
    So there certainly seems to be a shift from fiction to non-fiction, I'd say.
    Additionally, it seems (at least to me) that incorporating such real and literal events adds to the honesty and authenticity of her music. 

  8. I mean I get you. I remember clearly, when Mariners came out, I already planned my first listen... I want to go for a bike ride at golden hour down the nearest avenue to the parks :rip: Luckily I haven't ruined my first experience with Norman listening to the shitty cassette leaks, but if it does leak tonight... If it doesn't, then I can wait. It's now or never :rip:


    Some people just want their first time to be special  :hooker:


    I'm with Terrence on this one

  9. I've been extremely obsessed with this song lately. It's so exceptionally well written if you think about it; it's full of verbs of motion (pushing, pulling, swinging, swaying) and sensory words which makes the song very vivid: you can easily picture what's going on.
    To me, this song seems to be about the struggle of alcohol abuse and abandoning the alcohol for something else. 


    Down on the West Coast they got a sayin'

    "If you're not drinkin' then you're not playin'"
    But you've got the music, you've got the music in you
    Don't you?


    She doesn't have to drink, because she's got the music.


    Down on the West Coast I get this feeling like

    It all could happen that's why I'm leaving
    You for the music, you for the music, it's true
    It's true


    She's leaving the alcohol for the music. 



    I push it hard, you pull away, I'm feeling hot and on fire

    I'm feelin' like there's no one else
    Who makes me higher than higher
    Te deseo, cariño, boy, it's you I desire
    Your love, your love, your love


    Vivid storytelling with the verbs of motion and description of her senses. There's a struggle going on. I think this is where she is literally pushing away the urge to drink and she's having withdrawal symptoms ("feeling hot to the touch"). 
    Personifying the alcohol: "You say you'll miss me and I wanna say I miss you so much". (personification of alcohol is also present in Ultraviolence (song) --> "Jim (Beam) brought me back"). 


    You pull me close, I push away

    I'm feelin' hot to the touch
    You say you miss me and I wanna say
    "I miss you so much"
    But something keeps me really quiet
    I'm alive, I'm a lush
    Pull me close and you say
    "Hush, baby, hush"


    Again, verbs of motion (pull, push) which indicate some sort of struggle and a description of how she's feeling "hot to the touch".

    These lyrics "Pull me close and you say 'hush, baby, hush'" give me goosebumps, honestly. I'm picturing someone who is trying to get her to do something (drink alcohol) and wants her to be surreptitious about it. As if that person is holding his index finger on his lips, saying "shh". I don't know how else to describe it, lol. 

  10. Happy birthday Honeymoon!


    I've been wanting to make a great analysis post on the album, but haven't had enough time to do so. So I'll just post my initial notes that I wrote down track-by-track:


    Keep in mind the following things that's she's said about Honeymoon in NME (2015), because it gives it a different perspective:



    What kind of place in your life were you at while writing ‘Honeymoon’? What was going on for you personally as you wrote these songs?

    “I guess the first thing that was going on was that I really wanted to have one more record out that was able to speak for me, even if I wasn’t in a place where I felt like speaking about myself. Aside from that I was happy and not really feeling like the album needed to be too cathartic. It felt like a good time to have fun with some elements of psychedelia and surrealism, production-wise.”


    In other words, the album is supposed to be very descriptive, she's not trying to 'work through stuff'; just telling how it is.


    "where the record begins and ends"
    Music To Watch Boys To
    "putting on my music while I'm watching the boys" --> the paparazzi / lies can buy eternity (the deceptions of fame --> once famous, there's no way of becoming 'unfamous')
    Terrence Loves You
    (haven't gotten to this one yet, lol)
    God Knows I Tried
    "sometimes I wake up in the morning..." / I feel free when I see no one and nobody knows my name (her real name --> foreshadowing retirement)
    High By The Beach
    "boy look at you" using 'boy' to refer to paparazzi / burden of fame / she doesn't feel free
    becoming famous (aka a 'freak') / leaving new york / come to la 
    Art Deco
    in new york / "a little party never hurt no one, that's why it's alright" / “born to be free” —> not born to be famous
    Burnt Norton (Interlude)
    "time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future"
    "it never was about the party or the clubs" / 'fame is my religion' / even when the storms come, in the eye we'll stay (in the public eye) --> Cherry "and you just stay lined up"
    she doesn't need to be saved / her saviour can wait / she is enjoying all things temporary (ice cream, her tan) / “catch me if you can working on my tan” she is on the beach
    The Blackest Day
    "don't wanna talk about the things to come" there is no future / loss of a loved one / looking for love in all the wrong places (alcohol, fame) --> the day she realised this aint it
    "there's only 24 hours in a day and half as many ways (12) for you to lie to me" the 12th track on the album / the blackest day also has 24 hours / it's not enough to "lie like you lie or love like you love" --> fame can be a blessing and a curse, it can deceive but also be amazing
    Swan Song
    "say goodnight to the life and the world you knew" --> the day has ended / just be free (reference to GKIT) —> “I feel free when I see no one and nobody knows my name”
    Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
    Overall the analysis is incomplete, but I thought I'd share some of the notes I had made a while ago. I'll come back to it later
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