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Posts posted by ivy

  1. "created by a bunch of studio execs" yall are we in 2012 again? As if label crews could manufacture a persona as complex as Lana's, as though they'd have the balls to create a character and artistic style so wildly different to contemporary pop music at the time. Industry plants co-opt the prevalent sound and image on the charts, they don't come in and subvert the norm like Lana did


    I'm a bit late to this discussion, but I just wanted to add that even IF she was "manufactured" or even if her dad "bought her a career", a successful career in the music industry isn't guaranteed. How many people out there are actually trying to rise to fame?


    I think that some people assume too easily that pouring money into someone will always have a successful effect/outcome. What I'm trying to say is: there is no scientific formula (as in: if X then always Y) for 'how to become famous'.

  2. I get what you're saying, but I think she should be able to relate to at least half of the song. It's similar in theme to BAR, and the elements you mentioned are there. Loneliness, relationship breakdown, loving someone who's bad for you & a bad person in general, having a cold/neglectful lover, being cheated on, being miserable in a relationship, fantasizing about killing your significant other, etc. There might not be a Bradley, Ras MG or Louie in her life, but overall I wouldn't say Doin' Time is outside of her regular themes at all. I could definitely see this being an original LDR song with some minor changes (pronouns, names, etc)


    This. Absolutely agreed. I feel like this song is more LDR than her Nina Simone covers, for instance (though I think they fit the themes well, too).


    And maybe she relates to DT on some other levels too: the fact that David Kahne produced the original song, and the death of the lead singer who died of a heroin overdose. 

  3. "Morally superior" just because it's safer to drive without using your phone? I don't think it has anything to do with how cool or uncool that is, tbh. 


    It's nice to see her enjoy the song though, but I cringe every time she's on her phone while driving. Not because I feel morally superior, but simply because it can be dangerous for her and/or others and I don't like seeing that.  :(

  4. So a close friend that used to work on Universal and still have some friends there told me Insterscope is doing a test. Like: ''if we do everything rigth (radios, playlist, release it on friday) can she hit again?'' or NFR its a lost case and gran public doesnt care for her at all. So keep streaming and buying to show them she isnt a lost case ;)


    IF (big IF) Interscope really has been pushing her to release hit song material, then she may have been experiencing label issues again. Think about it (the darkness, the deepness). Interscope has been lenient with her last couple of releases, but maybe those dynamics have changed for some reason?


    Remember how she said that “You don’t negotiate when it comes to your work or your art. You stand totally firm and take the consequences"? What if this is exactly what's been going on behind the scenes for the past couple of months?


    I mean, why would she announce the release of NFR to be at "the top of the year", then claim that "there is no plan" and passive-aggressively tweet "who knows when it'll be out". Besides, the album is done.


    My theory is that she did have a plan initially, but something must've happened and she is withholding NFR. However, this is all speculation, it's all based on what @@lustforlife said. 

  5. I'd also like her to disconnect her self image from her art. She should not feel that a song has to represent her *at all* or that she has to abide by an aesthetic, and I wish she'd just say this to interviewers.


    Isn't this exactly what she's doing right now? Separating the self-image and her art, I mean. She's about to release an album with emotionally heavy songs and yet she seems to be enjoying life to the fullest with her friends and doing the whole "instagram baddie" thing. 

  6. I mean ... this article is only seven years old. Maybe one of us can get invited to dinner and get the answers we need.




    I'll have to paddle across the Pacific Ocean to attend as I can't afford to fly to LA, but don't let that stop you inviting me, Elizabeth.


    "In California and London I’m getting recognised more and more. It’s usually really friendly exchanges – someone will just say, ‘Is it you?’ And I usually just say, ‘Yes’."


    This sent me  :thumb3:


    "It's me ur lil venice bitch"

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