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Posts posted by ivy

  1. No tea, no shade, but...


    102 unread posts in this thread... Plenty of them literally off-topic, yet no warning points given. Zero news... Members who have stated how they will "unstan" for the 7th time, yet they're still here... 




    It baffles me how you can talk so much and yet say nothing?  :rip:


    OT: I don't think the album's scrapped like some of you implied; there are no clues that indicate that. I think she meant it when she said that there is no plan, and that that's all there is to say for now. 


    In Rowling's case, she was actually accused of being "authentic" and not fake. Christian fundamentalists found Rowling supportive of, and/or glamourizing of magic (aka satanism). (BTW, stream Lucifer, lol).
    Next is more a reaction to your posts responding to @LanaFlowers.
    The lying issue is not really understood, imo, unless people refer to specific songs (and specific things in songs). Some songs seem more autobiographical than others, and I doubt she says about every song she writes, "hey this is my life". What she may have said rashly (or stoned) during some early interview can be forgotten or discounted, imo. This doesn't mean I have a problem with viewing Brooklyn Baby or Carmen as representing her, but strangely, a song I find even more "authentic" about her is, Last Girl on Earth, which I know is a literal lie, but that's just me (and my feelings) being weird. Or maybe this authenticity thing has to be explained a bit more.
    I am waiting on pins and needles to see what's going to happen with NFR, just like everybody else. But I don't want to criticize her; I just want her back musically. Authenticity isn't an issue for me, but her being inhibited for some reason is an issue, a depressing one.


    Thank you for taking my point seriously and for your response. 


    Lol, Rowling did a great job making fiction seem authentic; it's what every artist tries to achieve to some extent, I reckon. 


    I am with you; I think there is a difference between lying and storytelling, and that it's not always clear what's going on. That's one of the things that I find so intruiging about her. In that sense, I guess I don't care that much about authenticity either, because I'll appreciate the multi-layered stuff she comes up with anyway. Thanks for that perspective!


    (Just to be clear: I meant to say this in an observing way, so I'm not criticizing her nor am I making excuses for her.)

  3. It's frustrating seeing people choose "stanning" over logic all the time. I've made plenty of excuses for her in the past, so I get it to an extent, but I've never seen people reach harder. They will say anything to excuse everything, because Lana can obviously do no wrong. Lana lying? No, she's an actress. A screenwriter, a playwright, an undercover sociologist. It's annoying seeing people go above and beyond with one excuse after the other just so a 35 year old woman won't have to take responsibility for anything in her life.


    I agree that what James Franco said was interesting, and worth discussing. I wasn't saying we shouldn't talk about that.


    Yeah, I get why that's frustrating and I feel the same way. There are things I don't agree with, but I'm not vocal about it as some people on here are, let alone making any excuses for Lana's behaviour. (Simply because I'm not interested in doing or discussing any of that). 


    But did you think I was making excuses for her? Because that was not what I was doing. I was taught to not read between the lines (because "there is nothing there"), and that's how I always intend to participate in discussions on this forum :)

  4. We've gone over that before. JK Rowling never described the Harry Potter series as her autobiography. Lana literally said she writes about her life; things that happened to her personally. Why do we keep on playing dumb here? It's like when people compare her to an actress.


    That's true of course. But in light of the quote I was responding to ("Sometimes Lana doesn't know what to say in interviews, so she plays into the idea that her songs are her, and not her creations"), how can we be so sure that she was in fact telling the truth? That was the point of my response to what @@VeniceBambi was saying. 



    Maybe you could tone it down a bit, love. It's not so much about "playing dumb", as it was more about me responding to the James Franco bit and her (in)authenticity and I thought that was interesting to discuss. No need to be rude  :kiss:

  5. So.. I wasnt on here during LFL release and pre-release but I didn't think it was really messy at all except the whole thing leaking. Can anyone enlighten me on how it was "messy"? Cause i dont quite get that..


    It was supposed to be released on 23 May but it got delayed. She cut many songs and added bad songs like Coachella.


    That, but the album itself is also (by most of us) considered to be messy because of the different collabs, different storylines, the "political" songs, and overall lack of cohesion. 

  6. Some of you are mentioning how shes a "pathological liar" or that she might have been this fake persona this whole time, which reminded me of what James Franco said about Lana.


    "The thing about singers, especially the ones who write their own lyrics, is that everyone reads the person into the songs. An actor is sometimes aligned with with his roles, but a singer is asked about her lyrics as if they were direct statements of her true thoughts and feelings."


    "Sometimes Lana doesn't know what to say in interviews, so she plays into the idea that her songs are her, and not her creations."


    Now I know he isn't the best person to be quoting, but I do think these words are coming from things she personally told him.


    Another thing I found on Instagram:

    "What was the best story she ever told you? -Well, after we were introduced, she told me that she grew up in Arkansas in a trailer park, and was raised by her grandmother. But I'd already known that she was from a family of means in New York. So I was just like, "Huh, you don't say, Arkansas, trailer park." But it was like being around a performance artist. It's not like they're a pathological liar or something, they're just a person creating a character

    (Rope, a guy who knew Lana before fame)"


    Not sure if the story is true but it could further prove that she possibly has had a fake persona, multiple of them, this whole time.I don't think everything about her is fake, like her emotions. (at least- I hope not) Just the more glamorized things.


    That's interesting. I think James Franco makes a good point, and I agree.


    I'm not sure if calling her "fake" would be the right word for describing her, though. I mean, would we call J.K. Rowling fake too because she wrote the Harry Potter series?


    I guess for Lana it's more about the "stories" she wrote/still writes (her older work probably more so than her recent stuff). And that she doesn't necessarily have to be a character in her own work. 

  7. K, seeing as nobody else wants to play ... 


    I actually think part of this poem might be alluding to a suicide attempt:


    Don't take all your secrets alone to your watery grave


    Leave me in peace I cry

    late at night on a slow boat bound for Catalina for no reason


    Tiny beads of sweat dot my forehead

    could be mistaken for dew drops if this were photo season.


    Maybe she had plans to throw herself off the boat? "Beads of sweat" ... wanting to kill herself but it's still scary when you're actually about to do it? Anxious? Hysterical (and sweating as a result)? 


    I'm dark and twisted, though, so ... 


    Interesting observation. The only line that would negate that thought would be "on a slow boat bound for Catalina for no reason", so I'm not sure!

  8. Throw me round like a hot potato

    If you want the butter then say so

    If it’s wrong, b-but it’s okay though

    It’s okay though


    A writer first; a singer second  :oprah:

  9. The cover is hot but the fact that this is about her poetry book and not NFR..... again.....literally has me on suicide watch

    I don’t know how much more of this bullshit I can take


    You know, sometimes I think God's playin' a little game with me.

    Looking down from heaven, laughing, tryin' to see how much I can take, because the way things go, it's like a joke.

  10. Can someone PLEASE handout warning points for the useless SHIT talking in this thread? I don't give a fuck about her face! If y'all really want to discuss that (though I can't see any good reason why a sane person would want to discuss that topic in-depth, but apparently there is a need for it) then make a thread for it. Geez.


    Rant over.


    OT: I'm looking forward to the cover pictures and I do hope we'll get them today, but I'm not sure either. Do magazines even get released on Sundays though? 




    What album, sis? Have you got your hands on NFR?  :creep:

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