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Posts posted by CrazySister

  1. Dark Paradise
    You're currently in a state of mourning. Whether you are mourning a lost love or something that has been pervasive for a long time, you're going through a dark time. People tell me you should move on, of course, but remember to stay true to yourself. Know when it's time to let things go.


    Oh wow, look! I'm my least favorite song from the album photo.jpg  (and strangely fits me so well, wtf?)

  2. I just have 26 unreleaseds in my cellphone, which is where my list is more updated. But I still need to download more that I heard recently, but I'm too lazy :toofunny: . Anyway, I will try to do my top 5:

    1. Caught You Boy

    2. Dum Dum

    3. You're Gonna Love Me

    4. Afraid

    5. Children Of The Bad Revolution

    6. Driving in Cars With Boys

    7. Get Drunk

    8. Us Against The World

    9. Back to The Basics

    10. Hundred Dollar Bill



    Sooooo my list changed again, since I heard some "new" unreleaseds and others that I already had, but I fell in love with again...  :tsk:

    Top 5:

    1. Caught You Boy

    2. Dum Dum

    3. Driving In Cars With Boys

    4. You're Gonna Love Me

    5. Children of The Bad Revolution

    6. Back to The Basics

    7. Backfire

    8. Get Drunk

    9. Us Against The World

    10. Hundred Dollar Bill



  3. Probably this one when I was 7 years old:



    I think we saw selling and, since we had money, we buyed. I remember that I was so happy of having an atual cd because the only cd's we had at home were just amateurs recordings that my parents used to buy every sunday and the little recordings that a friend of my sister used to give for her. So having this cd was very special and perfect to me and to my sister. I sadly let fall eventually and it broke (which almost was the cause of my death, since my sister almost killed me for that :tsk: ), but we kept for some years until my mom decided that it was trash (and didn't have cd anymore because we lost) and got rid of it. :crying5: After that, I think I tried to buy Kiss & Tell from Selena Gomez and The Scene (or was it A Year Without Rain? :um2: ), but I didn't have money as always. :crai:

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