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Posts posted by CrazySister

  1. I actually love the possibility of them getting married. Lana speaks with so much love about him in her songs and in some interviews and seeing their interaction was so cute <3. Feels like they really were a couple that always helped each other and were best friends, especially in the pic in which they are with hands together, I think. Josh melted my heart, I can see why Lana fell for him.  :squidward:

  2. Hey, I loved reading about your experience. I think it's so enriching to share these thoughts and feelings, and just to imagine Lana is the one who lights the fire and units these reflections in us is simply too beautiful to me.

    By the way, @FourAlarmFire contacted me in private to discuss about religions, beliefs and philosophies! Would you like to join us? I'm kinda new around the community, so I don't know if there's a tool that allows us three to talk simultaneously, so if you would be kind to do it for me it would be great!

    Of course, why not?  :) But I think just you or @FourAlarmFire can do this tho. Go to your conversation with him, click in "Add" in the "Invite Participants" (it's on the left side) and write my username there, I think this is the way!  :)


    I have a Lana tattoo on my wrist. It's written, basically, Lana Del Rey, I'll post a picture here in a minute.

    The first spiritual consult I had, I was wearing a jacket, so my wrist was not exposed. The entity looked and me told me "you carved her name there, let me touch it." I FREAKED OUT, exposed my wrist and offered my arm. The woman said "I feel how important she is to you, and you would be impressed if you knew how much you lived together, in other days. She is here now to help a lot of people, that's why she's not close to you anymore, and it makes you sad, because you misses her presence and the music is the way you found to keep her close. Don't worry, she misses you as well."


    You guys, you have simply no idea how that was.

    I listen to Lana compulsively, I think I might be one of the top listeners in last.fm. For the past five years she has been with me every single day and I feel something I really can't explain. To listen to that was like something finally got clear to me, these intense feelings that almost anguish me and the way she simply moves me around my life, helping me build myself and change myself. 

    I wonder that, if we were close... What did we were? Friends? Lovers? Son/mother father/daughter? 

    I almost cried with this actually haha, amazing! I have interest in spiritism too and I connect with their philosophy more than my actual religion. I visited a spiritism center twice in my life and I really liked, but didn't go back there because...I don't know, I felt a little of fear. I wanted to go back tho, a medium said to me I was a medium and a guy said in the second time that I was very strong, which made me feel very comfortable. I think it was really helpful to find something that I could relate to because, you know, I always believed in the supernatural and this type of thing. I already questioned some stuff about God and other stuff and kind of always felt fear of not believing in something, I would feel lost. I consulted a doctor in the spiritism center and he said to do some stuff to get better, but I didn't and now I'm a little shamed of going there too  :$ .  

  4. It was hard, but I tried  :fact: :

    Red: Passion

    Orange: The four seasons (especially autumn)

    Yellow: Sunshine and happiness

    Green: Mother nature and my dad

    Blue: Peaceful sleep

    Indigo: Otherworldly

    Violet: American dream set on heaven

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