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Everything posted by evalionisameme

  1. mate first of all this is the internet not an English exam and secondly it's my personal opinion you can disagree and that's fine I'm glad you enjoyed it I personally didn't however and that's fine too
  2. half of them were hopeless fountain kingdom rejects the ones I liked were Wtwwaw,change,God bless,Coachella,love,get free,sb and cherry
  3. Hoping I like her next better-dissapointment for me I only like half the album which means I hate it for me it felt like you could tell her mental state during it which was lost some songs were verging on parody of herself
  4. I honestly Think it's her worst album idk why it's just not for me half of its good but some of it is like a parody of herself heroin,white mustang,13 beaches or the songs just ain't good beautiful people,tomorrow Songs I like: Cherry Love Coachella Free Change God bless Wtwwaw Summer bummer I can skip everything else
  5. I only looked two pages back tbf Lol btw how would you all describe it her wost or somewhere in between?
  6. Tbh I highly doubt the leak will affect the album luckily it goes out in 2 days whoever gets the album and doesn't stream/buy it in the next 2 days probably wasn't going to anyway
  7. ok fair enough can't believe she called us little fuckers hahah
  8. Link please/act is that ok or?? mod note: user was warned for this post
  9. Not saying she is I'm just saying she should be careful who she works with moving on she better do a full European tour
  10. Nobody is excusing azealia I'm saying Lana still works with trash even though she said she wouldn't work with azealia who also is trash
  11. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=/amp/s/amp.dailytelegraph.com.au/entertainment/music/us-rapper-aap-rocky-filmed-slapping-female-fan-in-face-at-sydney-gig/news-story/4eed05b4ebf3a4c5a84ee01672b79472&ved=0ahUKEwjWyqbE1ZLVAhUlAcAKHcCdAP0QFghMMA4&usg=AFQjCNGpqtlEXWQCLCwBiKk1fpNw0JhmWQ
  12. The point I was trying to make is even though she claims to back out of dodgy men's lives she still continually works with them g eazy,miles Kane,asap,playboi she still has a long way to go
  13. Asap attacked a woman as well He literally slapped someone at his concert for no reason you shouldn't do that have some class I'm not a beyonce fan but someone like her has never done that when a fan has been close
  14. Oh I read I'm not being funny but she did have a point there was no need for him to slap that woman she didn't attack him I don't like azealia but her behaviour is questionable especially with carti Like what's worse a racist or abusers you choose problematic fave Answer both don't work with either
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