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Chris Cuomo

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Posts posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. it's a thread for discussing the poster. the typography for each era is significant to her artistic vision. why can't we discuss the typography, especially in a scenario where a poster has been released where her original in-house font hasn't been used. why can't people discuss what they want. nobody stopping you from discussing other things but some of y'all choosing to try to stop us discussing fonts

    Are u serious? Is she serious?...


    Anyways better that she changes the font I want to see her ~evolve - philphont or w.e is tacky at this point

  2. How dare you publish a thread about Lorde, don't you know she criticised Lana? Lana literally favored a twitt telling her to kill herself, what is wrong with you! Shame on you

    Oh wait you're an AHS fan this makes so much sense

  3. So is the line actually "won't make you sober me up when I'm turning?" I always assumed it was "turn-y" (as in turnt up lol) to me that makes more sense; what do y'all think? I don't hear 'turning' whatsoever

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