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Chris Cuomo

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Posts posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. None of you are using the logic and smarts you think you are.


    You have to have no brains to think the kkk and isolated acts of terrorism by white people equate to the large scale threat Islam has been causing the USA, and the whole fucking world. And you're willing to subject yourselves to more potential risks because you don't want to hurt the, what, feelings of immigrants who might not be dangerous?


    There is a reason airport security is the way it is. How come ya'll aren't calling that racist? Lol


    Defending Islam is as stupid as saying "not all men are rapists" LOL,and i don't even think we live in a rape culture.

  2. ???????? the only terrorists???


    what about the KKK you insensitive little assholes?? have you forgotten about them?? have you forgotten that trump accepted their support?? have you forgotten how they've murder black people for hundreds of years, you are disgusting


    all of you really haven't really taken a us history class have y'all. you uneducated classless idiots

    because the kkk flew planes into the world trade centre

  3. How can anyone debate that the party that's works to prevent marriage equality isn't going to target it now that they're in complete power? They view lgbtq people as sub-humans undeserving or rights. They voted against our rights, created laws in their states that allow people to be fired and denied services because of their sexuality... This isn't some sh-t that happened decades ago, it's happening right f-cking now.

    Terrorism is a serious issue, and not all Muslims are terrorists, but guess what, all terrorists are Muslim -- I really don't see anything wrong with what hes proposed, it is neither irrational or unfair. He clearly stated many times, his policies regarding Muslims are temporary anyway.


    The Islam of North America is drastically different to the Islam of the middle East and African countries. I know this from Muslim friends I have.


    It is a matter of security, not race. Simple as that.

  4. his stance on gays is the only thing i object to, and i feel like nothing is going to even change in respect to that since there would be too much of an upheaval if they tried to even touch it.


    Other than that; secure those borders and get those jobs back! faux political/social progressiveness is the worst

  5. Okay but why do y'all get so rude when someone has an opinion that differs from yours.


    Continue to believe the gender of their candidate is a ~pressing~ issue on the mind's of Americans when job insecurity is through the roof and 45,000 people die a year from not being able to get the medical service they need :toofunny: ...But yeah, misogony!!!! That's why she lost!!!!

  6. Please, educate yourself more on this topic. This was one if the reasons why she didn't win. It was the clear that one of the contributing reasons why she lost was misogyny. It's also clear you're dumbfounded. I'm sorry but I simply cannot argue with stupidity. Or rather, the intent to ignore this simple truth.

    Sorry, but I'm not very inclined to believe you when your only argument is a YouTube video LOL. And I'm certainly not going to believe gender is the reason she lost when a black person just left the office he held for 8 years...Issues like these are irrelevant to the majority of people nowadays. She lost because she is part of the establishment and this is basically a fact.

  7. Could you at least come up with a better joke? I've seen interviews were people didn't vote for her simply because she was female.

    I'm sorry but to say she didn't win because she is a woman is dishonest and gross over simplification of America's political and idealogical landscape.

  8. she didnt win because she is a woman. trump had so many controversies you wouldnt be able to count them on your fingers and toes. hillary had like what 2 controversies? her emails and HER HUSBAND NOT HER cheating. it was because these old uneducated idiots couldnt stand a woman being president. it was also the third party voters fault because she got a lot more votes than trump did, if only they hadnt voted paris hilton we wouldnt be in this mess

    Literally no one cares that she's a woman. stop blaming her inability to connect with the American ppl on being a woman.

  9. First post here (and possibly the last, who knows?). Registrered here with the sole purpose of articulating some of my thoughts on this amazing album.


    I was late to the Lana Del Rey party. Part of that is explained by my age (I'm 41) - while I still love music, it takes more to vow me than when I was a teenager. But part of it is also that I am not intuitively drawn to music in this vain, generally preferring electronic pop, club music and hip-hop.


    I first heard Video Games back in late 2011 - probably earlier than most I guess, as it was a couple of months before it became a hit - and I liked it quite a lot. I liked the moody feel, her deep vocals and of course the beautiful melody. However, I figured that she was probably a one-trick pony, so I didn't really feel a great inclination to check out her album when it was released in early 2012. I remember reading a few reviews of the album, and they were decidedly lukewarm on it. Infact, I have later gone back to read a bunch of the reviews of the album and they really are mostly lukewarm - quite incredible really, given the awesomeness of the album and the fact that many of those very same magazines now list the album as one of the best, not just of 2012 but of the entire decade.


    I remember hearing songs like Born To Die and Blue Jean and thinking that they were quite good but not as good as Video Games, which reinforced my view that she was probably a one trick pony. Fast forward more than a year to the spring of 2013 and I heard a Lana Del Rey song that I loved. It was "Young And Beautiful" - such an stunningly beautiful piece of work. Still, it wasn't enough for me to check out any of her albums (Paradise had come out at this time as well). However, a few months later I heard the song that to this day is still my favourite LDR track. It was "Gods And Monsters". THIS was my style. Big drums, huge stringpads and a menacing yet melancholy melody. I am a longtime amateur producer and it reminded me a bit of a style my band was trying to achieve in the mid-00's. I loved this song and yes, I FINALLY downloaded the album, which was now the Born To Die - Paradise edition. This is why I today have a hard time seperating those two albums. They seem like a whole project to me.


    Anyway, I played the album a few times. Thought it was pretty good, but didn't think that much more about it. For me, this is one of those albums that didn't hit me hard out of the gate. Rather it has been the kind of album where on each subsequent listen, another song crept up on me, until the point where I starting loving pretty much the entire 24 song shebang (15 songs on BTD, 9 songs on Paradise). Still we're probably well into 2015 before the greatness of the album truly dawns on me. This is very rare for me. I usually assess fairly quickly how much I like an album or not. This album took years.


    I think something similar happened with the many professional reviewers who had a dismissive attitude towards the album at first. I bet most of them have come to reassess the qualities of this stunning piece of work.


    While I do regard my self as a Lana Del Rey fan today, it is mostly because of this "double" album (I actually like Paradise even better than Born To Die, but as I stated, I view it pretty much as ONE album). I think Ultraviolence is a good album, but lacks some of the pop qualities that I prefer. I like Honeymoon a bit better than Ultraviolence, but that doesn't touch BTD/Paradise either for me.


    BTD/Paradise is one of the best albums of the 2010's for me - infact it is a great shame that it came out the same year as Kendrick Lamar's masterpiece "Good Kid m.A.A.d City" or it would very easily have been the best album of 2012.

    Man you should check out her unreleased catalogue if you haven't already. It's quite large and varied, I think you'd like it, much of it is in the same pop vein as Born to Die too

  10. ^^^^^^




    Lmao OG mods be slayin'. Take me back to a time of reasonability (and no snowflakes).


    I never got this whole "protect Lana" shtick; I noticed it when Eclipse freaked out over the YAIL registration, and now this? She isn't our child. She is a 21st century recording artist, who is signed to a major label... I would expect her to act with the same type of professionalism her peers do. Everyone is susceptible to informational leaks now, that's just the way it is.

  11. And I say this as a person who registered here in 2013, read everything in silence over the years and decided to join by sharing opinions/thoughts just a few months back.

    Do you know the release date of the single? (Not asking you to share it, I just wanna know how soon we should be expecting it)


    Also I think everyone should calm down and realize we've had insiders before the beginning of every era, I don't see how it's harmful when Eclipse has shared more potentionally sensitive informationthan this person ever has...

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