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Chris Cuomo

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Posts posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. Her team just made an announcement through her TAP management page, Jesus :(


















































    I'm just like so happy for myself and like so worried for you because like you're obviously like fucking eight years old and like you've obviously spent your time partying and stuff like that and it's started to take a toll on your face and body and like the boyfriends that you have had were like really bad for you and would like come over and cum on your stomach and like yeah no totally absolutely but like whatever works for you works for you and that's like amazing


  2. The double standards are because when it was only Eclipse, there was no chance or risk of stuff leaking. He was free to talk about it without some :) joining in and trying to get attention by potentially leaking something.


    But now when 1 person talks about the song(s)/video, there is a risk that others will want attention and start teasing/leaking. The fact that some people other than Eclipse have stuff now and the fact that a still leaked and such are making people scared and they are right to be scared.


    It was safe talking when it was only Eclipse, now it is not anymore.

    Why should we have to censor ourselves just so someone else doesn't leak something? That's their decision to do so, not ours, and if someone wants to they're going to leak it whether we talk about it or not anyways.

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