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Psychedelic Pussy

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Everything posted by Psychedelic Pussy

  1. The lyrics and melody are actually so bad.. if she delayed NFR to add more piano tracks like this I’m:... disappointed
  2. Wow end of the earth is actually THAT song. My wig... evaporated
  3. I have a love-hate relationship with her music, cause this whole Le depression emo damaged soul thing has gotten old fast. I’m not trying to invalidate her feelings, but there is definitely a part of it that is manufactured, I mean she’s literally been advertised everywhere since day 1 as this sad indie girl with the most angelic voice and broken soul and all that. As a musician myself I can’t help but think about other people out there who will probably never even crack the music industry at all and who will never have the same opportunities bc they don’t come from a wealthy family. Anyway, all that said and done, the album is pretty good. I was reluctant to listen and some songs are kinda cringe (“might seduce ur dad” in bad guy for example) but ilomilo, I love you, goodbye and xanny are really top notch. I don’t hate Billie so don’t come for me lol I’m js
  4. Girl my post was a joke but... I mean, stay pressedt...idc Also literally no one could have predicted that the album would still not be out when we’ve had some snippets for an entire year. Like how can you blame people for overplaying them when they’ve been out for so long and we still have zero solid news about the album?
  5. “Ooh look at me I have self control I haven’t played the cinnamon snippet 3000 times” weird flex sis but ok
  6. I’m just saying she wasn’t attending a creepy anti-gay “religious” cult until these girls were in the picture ☕ And she used to actually give a fuck about her music as if it was life or death, now she lives for having laughs with the rich white chicks! I’m glad Lana has found/is finding happiness in her life but I’m sick of these ppl and our girl’s shenanigans lately
  7. Girl ain’t that the truth. I get bad vibes about them too
  8. Not even gonna lie the new snippet she posted sounds like utter dogshit. My expectations for this album have fell thru the earth
  9. I can’t wait to get the vinyl so I don’t have to hear Luis fonsi anymore
  10. Yes and??? Nothing in this world compares to when she sings “FINE CHINA! FINE CHINA! FINE CHINAAAA!” “FRESH LINEN! FRESH LINEN! FRESH LINEN”
  11. Girl I’m with u. About half of LB with u on this one. The wait for this album has been emotionally scarring, traumatic, psychologically devastating, mind exploding, sacrifice-3-babies-to-Satan level fucked up and that’s the TEA on thatxxxoxxx
  12. LFL pre-release WISHES she was as messy as this nightmare
  13. No tea no shade but I’ll literally kill my self if she makes us wait til practically July for the album
  14. couldn’t be you indeed. Lack of FAITH jumped out. Girls, join hands and we will PRAY for lanaboards user @@baddisease
  15. Girl she’s been teasing the album for a fucking year, we should at least have solid info by now
  16. If this day ends with absolutely no news I’ll be devastated Literally the W O R S T era ever. Which is such a shame cause this could otherwise be one of her best albums. Some of the best lyrics, production, melodies, etc every song sounding so lush and alive, and here she is acting like she dead
  17. Damn wtf I’m not even a stan but her new single is amazing, it’s the raw, dark, haunting sound I’ve always wanted Lana to do. Wtf this girl goes OFF
  18. Girls we must DISREGARD this blatant hate speech and continue chanting “Norman fucking Rockwell” into the night and beyond. The spell MUST COME TRUE. God bless and A M E N
  19. Prison isn’t nothin to me if you’ll be my side YAAAAAYOOOOOOO, YAAAAYOOOO, YAAAAAYOOOOOO
  20. This is the Norman Fucking Rockwell Pre-Release Thread not Felony Martinez’s thread! just reminding y’all x
  21. Florida Kilos is straight up a contender for her best song of all time. If Lana is the queen of sad, surfy, nostalgic, drugged up euphoric summer jams, this is her fucking MAGNUM OPUS. COME ON DOWN TO FLORIDA, I GOT SOMETHIN FOR YA and that instrumental, I mean jeeze if you don’t think it’s one of her best moments, y’all lying High by the beach & summer bummer W I S H they had what Florida Kilos has
  22. Florida Kilos shit tier? The lack of taste jumped OUT Oh my god and Big Eyes top tier but the MASTERPIECE I Can Fly low tier?
  23. This bitch is out here using crystals to counteract our summoning circles
  24. girls prepare a summoning circle,, this album WILL drop on the 29th, even if I must sacrifice my own firstborn son
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