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Everything posted by lanadelrego

  1. Nothing gonna leak for now. I hope. If leak, i can sure say that a fan do that and its really sad
  2. Ye. I listen but i didnt leak.. And i would never leak something like that. If my listen just fUUc her work i would not listen it too.
  4. Its a part of this song LOL but dont tell ur mother
  5. dont leak, Lana get really upset and discouraged with her new work with u do that. Dont do wrong thing with Lana just to get a little minutes of fame vintage boys
  6. Thats why who have information dont tell nothing, u call all of liares, its so so sad.. Dont need to proof anything. Bye ur pretty :)babys of hell
  7. I dont have reasons to lie, or fuck with all of you.. You are fan just like me too and i know how hard all that comes before the new single. Love u <3 Just think the best, i wish all of u could listen for be sure that is coming in her best
  8. Vocals of Lana soud the best.. Some like she is doing in her shows, using her vocals in a higher ton.
  9. Sounds like JFK (a good version one) not untouchble .. Bye guys.. Lana will surprised all of u in the rigth time. Dont ask for snnipets or links i listen in the cellphone of my friend..
  10. 40 segs and I dont know how long the song takes ...
  11. Its sound a little more happy than a ballad. Its theatrical and a powerful song, Some people can not recognize Lana in the first Listen. (I DID BUT MY FRIEND DIDNT)
  12. Someone show me on the cellphone, so i dont have it sorry...
  13. Its sounds like Russian Roullet from Rihanna but a little more happy. Its not like honeymoon and not even Ultra. For me sounds like a BTD but a little more theatrical
  14. Its sounds a little different from the usual Lana, but is still Lana. Reminds me Roussian Roullet of Rihanna IDK ... BYE
  15. I hear a snnipet.. And i can sure say thats its great.. A little different but still sounds like Lana.. I can sure say that many people have parts of the music, but just one or two have it full
  16. Lana will be pissed off, if the song leaks... I hope eclipse dont trade it for nudes
  17. Honeymoon comes in the same way .. Lana just take so long to get ready and then all the shit leaks... Run Baby Lana... The song is really great, i dont know what she afraid of..
  18. Jonathan WIlson Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BNtgCZehQMB/?taken-by=nongmopaleovapedaddy420&hl=en She have a great time and a great *** too <3 My girl
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