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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. But like, why dont members show their photos then. You just know so many are ugly twinks.

    I have my pic on my account for the anonymity. Like no one I know knows I do this. But that's the great thing about Lana boards you can make friends/connect with people on a level that's not about that. If they're ugly I don't know or care

  2. If I could change one thing about LB it would be all the fat shaming that goes on here. You literally have no idea what kind of ideas you're reinforcing that are damaging. Lana is NOT fat. She has never been fat. And if she was who the fuck cares. It is not up to you to judge her body and you're harming many other people's self esteems by criticizing a beautiful woman who is size 4 or 6. I know a lot of you are young but think about your dumb ass jokes before you make them. 

  3. ill take the heat


    my first guess would be more work but i dont think so, it just looks very gaunt and somethin idk, she also looked VERY cautious and sounded almost embarrassed; something isnt right ik that forsure



    also that subway polo is more of a guilty meme i dont know why she wears that chuck n stella better not be lying saying its a good shirt :defeated:

    I honestly felt like she was in the middle of doing something and her label was like "plz say something people are going wild" and she didn't get a chance to fix herself up. Like her eye makeup seems to be under her eyes that happens to me a lot after awhile of not being able to touch up

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