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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest




    Everything she shoots of lana seems to me like they just went out behind the garage and took like 4 pictures and picked whichever looked best from that. Which is frustrating cause I find her a lot better when she works with other artists. Maybe cause they're sisters they're more casual and don't push one another as much. 

  2. I like Lana's hip hop influence, and it's always been there, and was even there in Ultra. I just don't love the overuse of generic (emphasis on GENERIC) trap. I mean if she is really stuck on trap, maybe she should try to go for a more moody 90's vibe, or that really dark southern Memphis/Atlanta sound. I still want to hear her do something really grand and jazzy.

    I agree. Her hip hop influence was palpable in BTD, but it was in no way generic-- it was more in her writing from the songs' inceptions rather than added last minute into production where it doesn't really fit with the vibe of the song

  3. the bus literally says STAR TOURS and those busloads of people PAY MONEY to see the stars, of which two sisters are doing just that

    and one sister is filming the other on the bus (like billions of people have done since they started these tours of the stars.)

    Showing Lana is separate from the Grant Sisters. 


    and each song of the Opera that is Honeymoon from start to finish is about that.


    fan fiction is any other interpretation. 

    I actually find this interpretation to be pretty interesting (even plausible), but any interpretation is on some level speculation. Idk if it's fair to call another viewpoint fan fiction. There is never one way to look at art, that's why it's interesting-- if it were black and white there would be nothing to discuss

  4. lol not to throw shade but I'm surprised how much love Honeymoon is getting. Of all her albums, it feels the least emotional and diverse to me, and the production is too quiet. It doesn't tell a story as much as the others do. It has a lot of good songs but not ones I can listen to over and over again like on the others.


    That being said, it's still a lana album so it's still a masterpiece. I'm only speaking comparatively 

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