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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. She talked about wanting to put out her poetry book before she drops the album back in september, and releasing a book takes a long time, and that's probs why it took her so long. She probs realized that if she's gonna wait for the book to be released first the album won't be out any time soon, so she's dropping it this month. She said she didn't have a set release schedual for this album and that she just wanted to put it out with minimal promo, so there was no reason for her to drop it during march/april. Billie was dropping her debut March 29th so her label would probs not want that, and Marina was having her moment in April so she would probs not want to drop her album then. Maybe it was around that time that she thought about dropping it during the summer, which resulted in the August 30th date since you can't just drop an album like that without planning it a few months in advance so the physical copies and all that are ready. That's just my theory.

    I kinda think it's about the fact that the movies she contributed to are all popping up around now. She doesn't want to do promo, so anything she already has planned will get weaponized. Also she stopped talking about the poetry book.


    If it leaks early enough, do you think her team will just add it to streaming platforms like what happened with bon iver?

  2. That streaming version's second verse makes much more sense now - her describing what she was doing before in her life and then summing it up with "so many things I think about before I do... NOW" instead of "...YEAH ". That suggests reflecting on her previous actions and fits the narrative, meanwhile the yeah version just sounds like a "it's a Lana song so I'll sing about bars because it's me". I loved it before but I appreciate it so much more now that I think I got what the hell the second verse is about


    Edit: On another listen I also assumed that thinking twice about going to the drive ins could be because of safety reasons? Like she feels threatened walking out at night like in GBA and stuff? What do you guys think? 

    I got from it the safety aspect. Like she used to take for granted that you could go anywhere and not be worried about a mass shooting

  3. I also don't think dissing ultraviolence's lyrics is that productive (we've all heard old money)


    but everyone hears a 30 second snippet and assumes they suck without hearing those lyrics in context. You can already tell California, the Greatest, Bartender, Love Song, etc. will have good lyrics. Whether or not you like Hope, amazing lyrics. She's serving female empowerment throughout without sounding gimmicky. The negativity on here is exhausting

    I really don't, and I wish I did! As I said maybe I don't have the background knowledge to get the VB lyrics, which is fine bc I stil love the song and I enjoy the verses because the production makes them flow really well, but would I be lying if I said that I believe Venice Bitch has strong lyrics compared to others she released? Yes, I would.

    I think with VB in particular, the lyrics contribute to the vibe

  4. And as we all know, women gets ‘shamed’ and attacked by other women as well as men, often more often by other women than by men—look at reality television and the cat fights and continual barrage of nasty comments women on them make against their costars. Trolls come in all genders, races, ages, ethnicities, etc.


    But a simple common sense “Gee, why doesn’t she do something with her hair?” comment is not an attack and doesn’t make that commenter a troll.

    when women do something sexist, it's still sexist.  Women and men should both be held to a higher standard.  Also I never said that made the commenter a troll or called it an attack. I did say it was unproductive, which I stand by.

  5. It’s not misogyny when the same objective standard applies to all who stand in the public spotlight, regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, gender identity or nationality. It doesn’t matter if it’s Nick Jonah, ASAP Rocky, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, or Justin Bieber. Geez, people trash Bieber and his appearance all day long, night and day, and do we hear anyone being accused of ‘man-shaming’ him?


    I thought LDR looked okay in that photo. I was defending another’s right to speak her or his mind about someone who was placed themselves in the public spotlight for almost a decade now. The real world isn’t Facebook where only your friends are involved and so everything is always pleasant and cozy.


    People saying everyone must like or approve LDR’s appearance at all times are the same ones saying we all must love all her songs or there’s something seriously wrong with us, something ‘homophobic,’ ‘racist,’ or ‘misogynist.’

    I wouldn't say that men are shamed on any level nearly as intensely as women are.  Women are expected to spend 2 hours getting ready and doing a lot of painful things to their bodies to achieve an ideal when men are only shamed if they do something particularly unattractive like tattoo their face or wear something that's out there.  You can criticize her appearance if you want but to me its just not that productive, particularly if it's a picture of her out and about, not an official image she's putting out where her look is more calculated. 

  6. I hear you and I don’t doubt you particularly but he was 100% wrong about the NFR tracklist. He’s been right before, I’ll give him that but lately he’s been full of shit so idk what to believe. Until Lana says something, then to me, it doesn’t exist :P

    Yeah but its different when you can tell he's speculating/giving his opinion vs. when he actually claims to have info

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