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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. I think people need to mind their own business in terms of who she is friends with. I'm not someone who thinks you shouldn't critique lana, or be frustrated with this album release--its messy. But we don't know these people at all and have no way of knowing whether they're her genuine friends. Critiquing things you know nothing about make other legitimate complaints look like just more whining. It feels really petty to me. 

  2. So we know for sure right now that yes MAC is on the album. She said last Wednesday that she wasn’t sure if she wanted them to be separate until she had the whole project together and then today, she said she usually doesn’t like to share about a project until its almost fully complete. So we know for sure:


    “Norman Fucking Rockwell” (working title) - Early 2018

    -11 Tracks including

    -Mariner’s Apartment Complex

    -Venice Bitch

    -Norman Fucking Rockwell


    Other than this, nothing else is confirmed.


    I don't think NFR is a working title-- she said its been that way since may and it would never be anything other than that



    Also I dont imagine the fader pic is the album cover-- its kind of a lame way to reveal an album cover. Likely its a promotional photo. 

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