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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. 1. Intro/Cherry

    2. Summer Bummer

    3. Shades of Cool

    4. National Anthem

    5. Cruel World

    6. Ride

    7. Change

    8. Heroin

    9. Music to Watch Boys to

    10. Video Games

    11. Love

    12. Brooklyn Baby

    13. Beautiful People Beautiful Problems 



    14. Chelsea Hotel No. 2

    15. Get Free


    How do you even like In My Feelings 

    Literally her trashiest melodic line, beats & lyrics



    "I'm feeling all my fucking feelings" is comparable to JLO's - Emotions, with that cringe line "I feel good cause i dont feel bad"



    "get that cigarette smoke out of my face" is a great angry lana moment! Also "cryin while I'm cummin, makin love while I'm makin the money", like I'm shocked that's not already a lana lyric


    Really I like it because someone on here a few days ago hypothesized that it was lana singing to herself and I totally read it that way. Like the verses talk about her smoking at self destructive times, then she says get that cigarette smoke out of my face like she's trying to stop her masochistic habits. Also "they all know you're name" "don't do it". She's split throughout the song as a result of her own self destruction. "who's doper than me" "if you wanna make the switch be my guest baby" like she isn't sure if she wants to be herself or not.


    Lol that's totally not coherent but I think there are some cool ideas and iconic lyrics in there. Granted, the one you brought up is kinda cringy. 

  3. I listened to BPBP on the train today and I almost started to cry. Actually this whole album makes me emotional and I usually just enjoy sad lana songs, they don't like make me sad. But reading that interview with pitchfork and hearing the album in its entirety it's like she was trying to be happy and it's never going to work for her. 


    1. BPBP

    2. 13 Beaches (which I thought I was gonna hate)

    3. In My Feelings

    4. Tomorrow Never Came

    5. Get Free (would be higher but I hate the background screaming at the end)

    6. Heroin

    7. White Mustang

    8. Summer Bummer

    9. Groupie Love

    10. Change

    11. Love

    12. Coachella

    13. God Bless America

    14. Lust for Life

    15. When the World Was at War we Just Kept Dancing

  4. I'm not intentionally trying to scare anyone. I never want it to come off that way. I'm trying to protect the site. I paid & still pay a lot of money to keep it running, and I know how important this place is to everyone including myself. When Love leaked, I was on the phone with her manager multiple times while he notified me that he would have the site shut down if I didn't start having a heavier hand on controlling the leaks. I hope you can understand why I'm treating this as a serious matter.. because it really truly is.

    all you said was not to post links lol it was not frightening whatsoever Idk why people feel the need to stir up drama and pick on you when you're the reason we all can be here and use this site in the first place

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