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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. people keep dragging her bc of Coachella 



    i don't understand why even when she tries to please them they try to find a way to drag

    like they used to drag her bc she doesn't pay attention to the society stuff, and when she does they also drag it


    i also believe the producing of the song is so bad and trash, but the lyrics are so pure/ honest

    poor lana


    this shit can affect on the sales too!!!!!!!

    To be honest, I really do like the song, but when I heard it I thought she might get in trouble throwing coachella in there for the same reasons that piece described. I think it's good to have those revelations about your privilege when enjoying an experience like coachella, but to write a song about that maybe even feels a little more privileged, since she is only being specific about the coachella part and not actually what's upsetting her. We are put in her shoes, made to more feel bad about the fact that this is going on during coachella than to focus on what's actually happening that's so bad.


    That being said, I don't want to downplay the importance of recognizing privilege, having an interest in politics, and recognizing everything you have good in your life. I think it's a good song for that reason alone. I just think it was rushed and with more reflection she maybe could have been more effective about making her political statement.

  2. I love interviews like this because it's actual journalistic work, it's not just ignorant questions slapped on the paper, there's research and love behind these words, it makes me so happy. A few lines on here have become some of my favourite things Lana has ever done. Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this. And it doesn’t always work, but I’ll be damned if I don’t fucking try

    Totally agree-- there's beautiful writing there. It tells a story and asks meaningful questions about lana and her relationship to the world around her. Like lana was upset with spin but it's the journalists job to get a good interview not hers (although, still, fuck them)

  3. God Bless America


    God Bless America

    The Land of the Free

    God Bless America

    What a Tragedy we've come to be.

    We are running out of time

    Living in the midst of hate and crime

    The answer lies within us

    Today is the day to be fearless

    it's "God Bless America and all the beautiful women in it"


    Also the album is obviously already done because the flaunt writer had heard it all!

  4. I just see so much lost potential with this song... like I don't think anyone would be upset if she pushed back an album that hasn't been promised on a specific date yet a couple weeks to produce and mix this song some more. If it was that important to her to put it on the record than she totally could have taken some time to get it to something of more quality

    Lol some peeps on here might be upset but you're right I don't even know anything about production and I know this sucks and was rushed. 


    It makes me wonder whether there isn't that much stuff she's proud of on the record that she wanted to add this last minute because she could have just released the album the way it was, perfected this in the mean time, and just put this out as a random single just to say hey. I know lana doesn't do that but it could have been done. Why release something that's not complete? I bet it's the attention her instagram post got-- judging from that a lot of people liked the song so she probably felt like it was fate/a necessary addition, but honestly it could have been so much better and different. When I heard it, I imagined it with smoky instrumentation like more rock or acoustic (UV). It would have been perfect for that aesthetic but I think she wanted it to fit into the pop mould she had for LFL that didn't end up melding with this song as a whole. 

  5. Generally when it comes to albums we set our expectations and standards waaaaay to high. And so we can't apprieciate songs for what they are because we're blinded by our high hopes. If this was an unreleased song that was just recently leaked, ya'll would be loving it and wanting it to be included on one of her albums. Why? because naturally we just want what we can't have. We apprieciate her unreleased music (even the dull, boring ones) because we know that it doesn't have to be anything else. It's just a song. Whereas when it comes to album singles we set our standards too high and it makes us start hating things that aren't THAT bad.


    Like, imagine if Love was an unreleased song that leaked. How much greater would that song seem?


    So i'm just gonna pretend this is an unreleased song... and it feels better already.

    I was thinking about that earlier it's a really good point. Like I would be so excited to get this if it leaked and wasn't meant for the album. I love BAR but maybe if we heard it first as an album single we would be like...what

  6. I love Lana when she sings about her men

    You can easily notice her pure feelings

    Maybe bc ppl kept blaming her why she doesn't pay attention to the troubles that happened to the society she decided to take a new step and put these stuff into her new album to please the other ppl? Idk

    But, she's an artist.. she isn't responsible about the society.. the artist should only sing about his pure/honest feeling, so his lyrics can easily touch us even if we didn't share the same experience .. that's why I always prefer Lana when she sings about her men.

    I think you can say a lot about this song but I don't think you could say she doesn't really feel this way. She's single so when she sings about her man or love or whatever that feels more insincere at this moment-- I do think she genuinely cares about politics and the world. 


    That being said, I think she could have been less obvious about her delivery. 

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