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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. To be honest, there is no excuse for her managers to ignore/slack with her, no matter how great dua is (btw I've never heard anything about her outside this forum). They get paid to help Lana's career and honestly they aren't doing her any favors. Moreover, Lana is bigger than her and a little promotion goes a much longer way with Lana, and is worth the investment

  2. Nah its all good, I just hate people being dragged for their looks. legit your physicality is just the genetics you were delbt. has nothing to do with your personality

    lol I agree that was kind of what I was saying! Like why do you care what lana's boyfriends look like if you don't think he's cute that's fine but you don't need to think he's cute

  3. well im not english native speaker maybe i misused the word OWE 

    but what I meant.. she should say something bc she respects her fans who are waiting for her

    she can take off the album she can quit music she can even be a stripper its her life and i will never even try to change or say something against that

    but what i wanted to say we need something to be told.. as fans

    im sorry if i used the vocabulary in a very wrong way (and  don't try to shade my weak english pls like "go take some english courses" because in Arabia the english learning is so damn weak but im at least trying ) anyway sorry again

    no it's totally fine my dear.. i got your point and now i got why word "owe" made people mad

    bc i misused it i know that already

    anyway whet i wanted to say.. we are her fans and we need to hear/know something

    this silence is so annoying

    anyway.. sorry my dear.

    I can't imagine how hard it is to learn a second language-- it's admirable and I've never been able to do it, and I know stuff like that is going to happen! I agree I would love to hear something soon and I'm curious why nothing's happened yet

  4. "scary" ha?


    well if you do not give a shit about this stuff and you're being sooo patient 

    somebody DOES

    let people say whatever they want.. mind your own damn business..

    i've never quoted you and tried to give you some shitty comments about your opinion.. so mind your own business again.. thanks 

    Look I get your perspective not trying to make you upset, it's a discussion forum so I thought i would throw my two cents in. I do care about the release, and I even agreed that I thought it was stupid, my only point was that she can do what she wants even if we don't like it. 


    Please know it was not meant for you to take personally or get offended I don't want to hurt people's feelings on here

  5. believe me, she owes me MANY THINGS

    she's not Lizzy anymore (the girl that nobody knows about her) .. she has many fans who are waiting and exited for her album, she said this album is for you 

    and they keep asking her in comments, tweets, everywhere she has to say something

    this silence stressed the shit out of her fans

    she can at least say anything like is there LFL video? is the May 26 even true?


    like i'm a fan of her for 5 years and i know this is the normal lana.. but she has to do anything.. she can take a video saying anything to her fans about the album

    like what she did with Love.. she just opened the cam for 3 mins and made all of her fans happier.. when she talked about it

    i bet she believes that people don't even care.. while they actually do

    This kind of entitlement is scary. She could decide to scrap the album and never make music again and that would be her right-- it's not about you

  6. this isn't fair at all

    you said this album is for your fans.. you can at least say something about it on your instagram stories since all you do is recording stevin's dogs and stella's moves at her songs 

    why does she act like there's nothing "coming soon" at all


    the trailer make you feel like oh there's something well planned coming and this era won't be like the previous ones 

    but sadly, she did better in UV 

    what is fair? she doesn't owe you anything


    that being said, it is dumb for her, and I don't understand why she's doing this

  7. I think they're probably weighing the pros and cons of what they'll make with a pre-order versus what they'll lose if the whole thing leaks early. They will probably meet somewhere in the middle and do a preorder close to the release date. I bet that's why she kind of purposefully put the names tomorrow never came and yosemite out there and leaked the stevie nicks collab out there- to create some hype and interest without compromising the whole thing

  8. A random account just posted on Twitter a tracklist with a track for each tweet and I'm 100% sure it's fake, but I just wanna say how in love I would be if it was actually real (mayte not long enough)


    1. Love

    2. Lucid Dream

    3. Lust For Life (ft. The Weeknd)

    4. Hollyweird

    5. Solve Et Coagula

    6. Yosemite

    7. Seven Heavens

    8. Tomorrow Never Came (Ft. Sean Ono Lennon)

    9. No Wonder (ft. Stevie Nicks)

    10. Architecture

    11. Passion

    every time solve et coagula makes it on a fake tracklist I just assume it's fake, but also lucid dream sounds really dumb

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