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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. Where was anyone mean to you... How can anyone function with this level of sensitivity




    Oh calm the hell down. If you're crying your eyes out because of some minor sarcasm, then you need to hit that log out button and see a therapist.


    It's obnoxious that the default here is to be sarcastic when someone asks a question. It happens all the time because of the anonymity. I get it we're all on edge but that question wasn't that obvious (I know an artist can put out an album without a preorder but don't know how often it happens, outside of completely surprise releases) and it isn't completely uncalled for them to ask not to be treated that way. You don't NEED to be snarky with someone

  2. She will do good in the UK and Germany. These are her main markets anyway. Markets Lana had all for herself basically. 


    I mean, Lana has The Weeknd on her last single and he is one of the biggest pop stars right now and the song didn't go anywhere. Like, how is that even possible when even Max Martin adviced you? 


    I can understand if Universal is concerned. And she has been silent about the single since the day it dropped. She at least promoted Love via Instagram for a while

    My question is though-- why didn't universal force her to promote? like in the very least they could go on her social media accounts and push the song. How could she have already known it was going to flop then?


    And if we don't get a preorder tomorrow, then I will become worried 

  3. I never said I didn't think it was going to be lol


    Snippets didn't leak until the posters went up, and I totally agree Ben and Ed are more focused on Dua and obviously it won't leak just because it's up for pre order but Lana isn't the most rational person, I mean this is the lady that has avoided playing in New York because of SNL, because of what happened with love I think it's possible that thats what's going through her head lol and that's why she's holding off a little bit.

    ooh i misread what you said

  4. Just a theory but I think she released lust for life as a stand alone single because she didn't have an official release with Love since it leaked, I also thing she's holding off on the pre order because the second she announced Love it leaked. I think May 26th is definitely the release date, but like I said she probably doesn't want to say anything officially because she doesn't want it to leak

    Love will be on the album, the press release that came out with Love mentioned it was the first single from the album

  5. it's been two and a half months since she started it all with the love billboards and the song release.

    I agree, and I'm getting a little tired of waiting too, but I have sympathy for her because Love was supposed to come a lot later. I wonder what the timeline of releases would have been if that never happened. That being said, we're obviously on schedule now and she still is really lacking in promo. Even LFL could have been a lot bigger song than it was but she posted it and was never heard from again  


    Extremely bored with the melt-down aesthetic of this thread, so I appreciate your post about what makes it on an album. With regards to lyrical complexity, here's some pseudo-criticism.
    There are lyricists and there are anti-lyricists and they differ in their approach to what makes a lyric a great lyric. An anti-lyricist might depend more on how the lyrics are sung along with a crude and/or intentionally minimal approach to what the lyrics are. A lyricist writes poetry, which is something I would define as always looking/sounding/meaning great things on paper (i.e., when viewed typed out); whereas an anti-lyricist writes emotive expressions that tend to look/sound/mean cringeworthy things when viewed (on paper) and out of context. Lyrics also prefer to show up in verses and anti-lyrics mostly in the choruses. Pinup Galore has great lyrics and anti-lyrics. In fact, a lot of her songs, especially the unreleased ones, mix them (Scarface says hello).
    So if Katy Perry's Bon Apetit song is a bit too lyrical (and it does have a lot of words when viewed on paper), it's main message appears to be something like sex is food. LDR's Delicious is extremely anti-lyrical, but which song of the two do you think has the most acting, irony, humor, and social commentary? 
    LFL, I would say, is anti-lyrical in the choruses and lyrical in the verses. Maybe it is simple and interludish in form (so predicting it will be in the middle as many others have), but it's respectable (unique and pleasing) for being something she hasn't done before, namely a feature with a major artist. Also title tracks can be pretty insignificant in the scope of the album, witness John Mayer's latest release, whose title track (sort of) is like the least significant track of the album.


    I totally agree with your evaluation, and it's interesting hearing lyrics broken down in this way-- by my original post, I meant to imply that we would have a problem if there wasn't a range in lyrical complexity, which I guess would be lyrical and anti-lyrical songs. It was more of a pessimistic view of things, since I'm sure she will write a brilliant album, but while I do find some of the more recent songwriting (melodies) to be particularly beautiful, the lyrics of her later work is not as strong for me.

  7. I'm not one of those people who likes the idea of her reusing old songs because I would rather have her use fresh material, but sometimes I'm baffled at what makes it on a new album when she has stuff like pin up galore or pawn shop blues out there that are literal masterpieces. I think she might need to slow down and get back to writing how she wrote when no one was paying attention because that's really when she gets out her best material. I'm worried an album catered to her fans might be pandering and unoriginal (I like the first two songs, so this isn't meant to by hyper critical but if the whole album sounds like Lust for Life without range of lyrical complexity from the more simple LFL to something more complicated we're going to have a problem)

  8. It's technically summer but by that time kids are back in school and the weather is cooling down. People are in an Autumn state of mind. To me, a summer album comes out the beginning of summer, or at least midsummer at the latest. Like June-July, early August. A spring album is an April-May release. May 26th is even sorta pushing it for it to be a spring album tbh.

    lol i mean we were just talking about the seasons of album releases I was just going off of the literal season

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