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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. so this whole unveiling of album info plan by lana is a mess


    she reveals the cover art and then nothing else about the album


    she shouldve just kept Love as the only single before the albums release. now fans are not only expecting the tracklist and release date for the album but they are also waiting for a music video and live performances.


    terribly messy. lemme slap whoever came up with this stupid plan

    lol im pretty sure there wasn't a plan lana just posts things when she kinda remembers they're happening

  2. I said that I don't want to make a drama out of it but it let a bad taste in my mouth. I'm a little baffled at how some people are fine with plagiarism here

    I see what you mean- i think that lana sometimes borrows from her idols as more of a reference/nod to their work and it isn't viewed as plagarism but there's kind of no way to make a hard distinction there

  3. I know that these things were said before but still some people have meltdowns because she's not charting and they are annoying. I supported her more than you ever did so please don't lecture me how to be a fan. We cannot put LFL "aside", as you put it, because is the title track of the album and she copied that fckin title from Iggy Pop which is not a sign of maturity. I don't know her personally, I just expressed an opinion but maybe you do know her and she really "changed". I don't care about her commercial success (I never did) I just said that she has bigger problems this era than charting, like comming out with a cohesive album and perform her damn songs live and try to keep her fanbase alive.

    I offered an opposing opinion please chill out. I even agreed that you made some good points. Nothing warranted any personal attacks or you taking it that personally or seriously-- it's an opinion. You may have yours and I can have mine. Aggression or anger won't change the album you're already disappointed with 

  4. I't is so tiring to hear arguments like she's not interested in her sales. BS! She cried when fans told her that WC is smashing. She bragged about her being on the radio. Her promo game is a mess because she's afraid to perform live outside her tours and her team, with Lana's "contribution" of course, fucked up her relationship with the press and now she's avoiding any real publicity.


    She will never happen in the US unfortunately because she still has a negative image in the GP after SNL which was reinforced by the negative publicity she garnered during the UV era: I wish I was dead, I don't want the RS interview, I don't want my music to be heard, I fucked my way to the top - in short she managed to create a second PR disaster after the autencity drama and SNL fiasco at the begining oft BTD era. She had a much better image in Europe but she's not interested to make it there and she played dust for years to major markets like the UK, Germany and France (she managed to anger her fans there with that grotesque cancelation of her Virgin Radio show). People in general are not obsessed with her like we are, they just moved on.


    She's not on the radio in the US because her team isn’t doing anything to put her songs on air but an another factor is that she and her music is not liked that much by the DJs in the US. In UK she was played on the radio and people tried to make her happen again this era but simply there is no more demand for her music as it was in the BTD or even in the UV era. And this is, unfortunately, her new reality: after being one of the biggest streaming artist in the world (at least on Spotify) she is showing tragic numbers for a while now. She has lost completley her commercial potential because she vanished from the mainstream media for more than 4 years, she downplayed her crossover appeal and her style icon status and she forced an alternative route but she simply doesn't have the lyrical consistency to achive that (Love is good - LFL is a dud).


    Her problems this era started with the announcement of LFL, which in my opinion, is an awful choice for a title because she copied one of the greatest albums of Iggy Pop's career who is arguably an icon in music. I wonder why she didn't tweaked the title Lust for Love? Critics will not forgive her for this, especially after the lyrical content of the LFL title track which is a vapid cliché fest. Secondly I'm baffled at the hodgepodge of ideas that she's flouting around this era and I'm still not convinced that she's genuinly in a happy place, everything seems forced this era like the grin on her cover. But I would not care about any of this if she would serve some good live performances again of her new songs that I could enjoy.


    With BTD and UV she managed to put out albums with 3-4 great tracks with great replay value which not happenned with HM and it's not happening yet with LFL

    This has all been said over and over again. Some points are truly valid and sales matter on some level but it's not everything. If you don't enjoy where she's going you don't have to continue to follow her. I am fine with people offering their opinions and insights but sometimes I wish there was a little more support and positivity on here because you can also recognize that while her commercial appeal has diminished, she has been doing a lot better with critics (LFL aside), who have finally understood what she is about and who see the maturity in her music. She has changed on a personal level, and her music has changed. That's not a bad thing. While she's not as big as she was in the BTD era she is still one of the biggest musicians in the world and we don't need to constantly diminish that. She is what she is now and the constant convo about wishing she was someone else will never change that

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