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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. I agree with this. While idc about her sales, and even if she never sold another album again I'd still be a fan, I would be very happy for her if she charted and did well in the sales area.


    I loved all her albums thus far (even though I thought Honeymoon could definitely have been better, was her weakest effort, and needed to be a bit more coherent), so all the numerical stuff is whatever to me. What bothers me though is that I think every single album rollout post-Born To Die has been a mess: videos cut (West Coast), scrapped (Original Ultraviolence video, Honeymoon), or made from scraps (Freak); missed opportunities (High By The Beach could have done amazingly well on urban radio if handled properly), and albums just being completely abandoned shortly after release. Even in performances, she performs more material from Born To Die than any of her other releases. And, at this point, the excuse that she needs to rely on Born To Die-era songs is no longer true.


    I don't care about her sales, but I'd appreciate it if she put more effort in. The fact we had to rely on Amazon and another website to get an album release date is pathetic. And she put up billboards and still hasn't yet given us a date. Or a tracklist.


    She's squandering buzz, for no good reason. It'd be one thing if she was constantly doing other things but...that's not happening either.

    Yeah, I agree. It sucks because I try not to be disappointed but ever since UV I have felt a little like i wish she had the same focus. I'm hoping she does that with this album, but so far she has missed opportunities that she really should have taken. This isn't necessarily from a charting/sales perspective, but from a vibe/cohesion/era perspective. I usually view the whole era as the piece of art, not just the music, so while she produces beautiful music there is still something lacking sometimes in her ability to tell a cohesive story, which she used to do really well

  2. sales, streams, airplay & ticket sales determine how long you will be able to continue making your art as an artist. when you fail at work, you get fired and and at some point, nobody wants to hire you or work with you if you continue to fail. same with music.


    it's great that you do not care about that as fan. it's great that you do not care for how long your fave will be able to continue making her art in the quality that we have it now. it's great because you are obviously a big enough fan to sign up on a forum devoted to her work. 


    To me, this is a legitimate reason that we should care. We don't want her to fail, I would love it for her to be successful and on the radio and for other people to appreciate her as much as we do. Sales are good, charting is good. 

    The only reason the whole conversation annoys me is that we debate it all the time, but it's really out of our hands. All of us here (unless you're not a real stan) buy her albums and stream them regularly. We do our part to contribute but aside from deciding to do some promo ourselves, there isn't a lot we can do. It's a choice lana and her team make when they do promo/decide what goes on a record and no matter what we argue we aren't going to impact that decision. The only reason it matters is because of that idea that we want her to at least have the ability to continue making music in the future. With that being said, there are plenty of people who make music that sell way fewer singles and records than lana does, and I don't see it really being an issue unless this completely tanks

  3. Video Games is commercial.


    The lyrics, the extremely clean and polished vocals (vocals that could be easily remixed), the high production value.


    The video on the other hand at the time was artsy fartsy which fooled the indie stans.

    lol it's funny you say that because I remember her complaining about the low production value of video games in an interview one time

  4. not the video mess again... will y'all do this every single era  :toofunny:

    lol *day


    But for real I'm tired of coming on here and reading the same conversations over and over. There's always an argument about (1) what genre lana is (2) what collabs lana should/shouldn't have (3) whether or not halsey sucks (4) whether or not china palace is lana/a scumbag


    To the people who say this forum is for discussion, yes it is, but whats the point in circuitously discussing the same boring shit and being rude to one another? Maybe it's your right but it doesn't make it helpful/enjoyable/actually make any type of progress

  5. i feel like it's a real insult when people call lana's music pop. Not that pop is bad. It's average. But Lana however, is far beyond that. She's on another level

    Okay, I don't listen to pop music, and I don't think lana is pop (I don't think she fits nicely into any genre), but I have a hard time agreeing that a whole genre with thousands of songs could possibly be blanketed as "average." There is some pop music which is average and some which is not you can't tell simply by looking at its classification

  6. Lorde is on top 40 radio. Shes not alternative at all.


    Lana isn't even charting on alternative radio.


    Even artists like Grimes and St Vincent, Father Jonh Misty could chart.


    Lana literally doesn't exist on the radio.

    love isn't pop.

    Or alternative.


    Not played on either format.

    Take a look at each format:



    You can still be alternative/pop even if you don't chart well or are not played on the radio... there are plenty of artists that exist within a genre even if they aren't on the radio

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