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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. Hmmm.. I mean, she does seem shyer which I find weird..usually it's the other way around like one may be shy at first and then come out of their shell

    I always kind of thought she became shy because she got backlash for everything, like after the whole "I wish I was dead already" thing she didn't want to really speak publicly anymore

  2. I really want that 7" but I didn't want to spend $70 on the album :(

    You can get it with the standard version of the album I just ordered it (it was like 26 with shipping)! Idk if they still have them in stock (someone said they didn't) but on the website it didn't say anything except while supplies last so I figured it was worth a shot

  3. I don't get why a shorter setlist means no variation. The fact she kept the setlist from her festival tour by default is already laughable. You can play 10 songs and not do the same stuff you always do. Apart from Video Games, I don't see any obligatory tracks, she even decided to drop HBTB and WC. It's about how much you are actually willing to do things in a dynamic way and this concert did not really sparkle of enthusiasm and passion on Lana's part.

    Look I'm fine with people saying they wish the setlist had more variation. Like I don't have a problem with that you said. I just was getting frustrated because people were saying things rudely. There is a big difference between offering an opinion or critique and bashing her. My main point wasn't even about the setlist it was about people shaming how she looked so don't think I'm going to have a big fight with you on this. I didn't see a huge problem with the setlist because it was short so she has less room to play around, but I also can understand other points of view on this. My point was not to say that I thought the setlist was perfect, rather to speak out against people who were berating her for a performance no one outside of Lanaboards seemed to find disappointing. 

  4. How can you admit the setlist was bad and that she was passion-less and then complain about people not liking it? Makes no sense.

    I did not say it was bad. I said it was short and that makes it hard for her to really add any variations, and i literally NEVER said she was passionless. I said that people were complaining that she was passionless. That whole thing was a defense of her. Not sure where you're getting this from. 

  5. Wait, you guys are trolling, right? Um, y'all are the same people who have given this thread more than 300 pages of nonsense complains and 100 different kinds of shitposting but suddenly you all are so done with members criticizing her show. :awkney:



    that's kind of a generalization though... I've been defending her the whole time, I am allowed to defend her now. I can't believe more people on LANAboards aren't defending lana. Also, there's a big difference between "I would love to see x" or "Honeymoon could have been improved with x" and "she looked like a mess" "I'm unstanning" "that was horrible" any kind of fat shaming, whatever. You can have an opinion but so many people on her are being total assholes and would be so ashamed if Lana ever saw all their rude misogynist bullshit

  6. The people who are supposed to be her fans are receiving her performance last night way more negatively than reviewers (this one was literally all positive http://www.stereogum.com/1930449/lana-del-rey-performs-love-for-the-first-time-at-intimate-sxsw-show/video/).And basically it's because they have a problem with the sameness of her setlist (it was what 10 songs? what would you have liked?) and how she looked. I'm tired of people constantly trying to bring her down because of how she looks. She's beautiful and honestly if she wasn't it shouldn't matter there's more to her than her looks and men aren't questioned about what they wear. She's not here to look good for you. This wasn't even for you this was for industry people who obviously get it more than you all do. So whine that it wasn't energetic enough but she didn't announce it 6 months before and she didn't allow recording for a reason-- this wasn't meant for you all to pick apart but obviously you'll do it anyways because everyone on here feels so fucking entitled. 

  7. i wouldn't name my album as a fan who leaked almost all my unreleased and teased with lyrics for my my new song months ago from their release...  :deadbanana:  :toofunny:

    I don't think the name is eclipse but if it is, she probably didn't name if AFTER him

    I honestly think we won't know what the album name is until she announces, and it will be something we haven't guessed. BAR seems to be out she doesn't even like that as the name of the song

  8. why do so many people feel the need to come on here to bash Lana? I understand the frustration with the lack of promo because that's part of the era that we end up missing out on, but you will always be able to find someone more successful than she is, no matter what she does. She is not the person you stan to get really elaborate promotion, you stan her for beautiful music. That's what she cares about, and just because not everyone understands or enjoys it that does not take away from what it is. There is true garbage out there that ends up chart topping. I will take the good music and everything she gives us because she has such a unique vision. And if you don't like what she's doing you don't have to be on here and you don't have to listen to it. 

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