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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. I am really going to need everyone to stop coming after Eclipse, that is all old news. I also need everybody to understand that there were various sources involved in the spreading of this new material.. Unfortunately, people could not keep things to themselves in Lana's circle. After a while I believe the material was being sold around. Eclipse had posted the lyric of YAIL before he even knew Lana wanted to use it for LDR5, Which prompted her to message him. Everything he has shared (New material info) was with her consent (I'm sure) otherwise it wouldn't have been posted. Unfortunately, the material has indeed been spread out to many people now, and no one knows who is responsible. I apologize for my childish replies these past few days but I really need those who know info or have material to stop sharing it for the sake of respect to Lana and her art. This is really tiring and it's really clear some of you share all you can just to gain some relevancy.. Kind of like a '5 minutes in heaven' type deal. All in all, that doesn't matter at the end and you are indeed jeopardizing someones career. Just have some empathy.


    I had heard Lana pushed back the date, no one really knows what is going to happen now. Last time I had spoke with Ben he had even told me that the info spreading isn't even accurate. Regardless, It is still rude to post any info and whatever it is you see or hear.. i guess time will tell after all but in the mean time there is no need to post out any info. Also at this point I do not think the album is finished, so if you see anything about someone having the full thing it's probably a bunch of bull.

    Lana will release what she wants to when she feels is right.


    Please guys, do not be fu'cking ridiculous.. 



    Is this saying that bar isn't the name of the song or the album or YAIL isn't?

  2. If that's true... this makes me kinda mad. Like, what if Lana wanted that username.


    Edit: (Though I still don't really get the point of the Honeymoon account)

    I just stalked his insta, and one of his captions is "he's loving my look and I'm loving all his strategic ways" is that current lana lyrics and im being totally dumb? I googled it and nothing came up so maybe it's new lyrics?? 

  3. YALL. It's just a description with a spoiler tag. Don't read it if you don't want to, and don't stifle discussion here either.


    It's not like they're leaking YAIL, it's just a description. God. This is so childish.

    Eclipse posted his description and no one batted an eye, we need standards on what we let people do and what we won't let them do but why attack one person who is doing what a bunch of other people already did. OMG this forum loves to complain

  4. All I'm saying is that there is a difference between leaking stuff on lana boards, and discussing stuff that is widely available, whether or it leaked or originated from Lana and her team, that doesn't directly come from a member. The original source of the information is key and I would never condone anyone leaking info about her new record on here or anywhere else, but once it's out and we all know about it it won't help to pretend like it's not there. 


    That being said, I recognize that every precaution taken is in effect to help Lana, which is obviously what I want at the end of the day. This isn't anything against any of the people who are more strict about these things, more of a explanation of where I personally think the moral tipping point lies. 

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