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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. This whole thing makes me feel so affectionate for her-- that she wrote that it was for us, that she's promoting loving one another, that she's not letting the way that she's been treated get in the way of putting out this record and she's trying not to let us down. Like she's just a good person like no one can say she isn't

    also I've said it once and I'll say it again it's totally FJM

  2. Someone evidentally half assed it and just rushed the relase. So now they're apparenrly putting th official cover art (which is necesary) and the correct version of the song? idk what that part means. im excited. its a really pretty song

    That was a tweet from earlier today thought I thought? I hope it's right though because the cover art is obviously a picture of the poster

  3. lol guys the reason the honeymoon cover sucked is they wanted the number on the car in it for the honeymoon hotline so they went with a mediocre picture. and because they wanted the number and the starline tour thing and the album name and her name it ended up super cluttered. It basically was because they had ideas which were cool and conceptual but translated into a photograph it was a little scary

  4. Please stop the drama

    1. the snippet is not that good. In fact there are much better moments on the boring HM. Maybe this will end up like BB from UV

    2. stop calling the feds. because nobody cares besides the hardcore fans and former hardcore fans (me). she has no team besides that cute blonde assistant who is good to help her buy groceries and her sister (who will shot the cover of course). she doesn't take her own career too seriously so everybody just chill and wait for her insta announcement, don't be delusional there will be no "era", she will tease her stuff on social media and she will do some festivas and that's it.

    3. the only thing that matters it's the quality of her music (lyrics). as I said the snippet is not promising (after YaB she comes with YaIL I don't see any progress here)

    how can you simultaneously say that the only thing that matters is the lyrics and say that the snippet sucks. The only lyrics are the ones we already know!


    Honestly there's a difference between having a different opinion and coming on here to bash her and her music I honestly don't understand you and what motivates you. You can say what you want but it won't make you any better. 


    Misheard Lana Lyrics


    Here is where we can post lyrics that we've misheard in Lana's songs.

    Be sure to post the real lyric, too.

    I'll start:


    In Diet Mountain Dew it says:

    "There in his white Pontiac Heaven"

    I thought it said:

    "Ridin' his white pony named Kevin"


    I know, embarrassing  :facepalm:

    Can't wait to read some of yours!


    omg. i just realized it wasn't "Barron, his wife Connie, and Kevin"...

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