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The Greatest

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Posts posted by The Greatest

  1. I am worried about eclipse's review of the first single and title track, but i also think that these are taken out of context of the album, and the entire vision of it including visuals like album artwork. I am hopeful that there is something to be offered from that perspective. Also if it's true that it's a feb/march release, we would probably hear something about it really soon! Lana usually announces her albums months before they're released, and the fact that the video's done and that it's on the internet would likely move up her time line in my opinion

  2. I love lies

    I see absolutely 0 difference between lizzy and lana.


    Earliest mention of her calling herself "Lana" was in 2007

    She booked all these shows herself

    she wrote 100s and 100s of songs herself

    seeking out producers to work with herself

    editing videos herself 

    shooting with her sister since 2006

    building a presence online since 2005


    Obviously from 2010 onwards she had a stylist.. that's what people do in photoshoots. But obviously as her career progressed, with Ultraviolence, we've seen her style become much more bare and laidback which we know is probably more suited to her personality when she's around people she knows and the music she is making now

    I'm definitely not advocating it as truth it was just a story I heard. The other thing is, the aspect of her name "Lana" was all that this person was claiming. All of the rest of that stuff you mentioned is Lana's and her's alone. It's hard to argue that she doesn't have her own vision for all of this stuff it's been a part of her life for so long. Likely, it's a lie propagated by someone jealous of the fact that lana was chosen over her. 

  3. I have this friend who met a woman who told her she was competing with Lana for a record deal, and apparently her name was "Alana" and they wanted to make her "Lana" but they wouldn't let her have kids so she backed out, and that's how Lana got her name. 


    Granted, I'm not sure how true that is. To me it is at least embellished. It was a story I heard second hand so idk, but either way Lana was talented way before she signed with interscope whether or not her name was her idea. 

  4. Really? I'm like so picky about my tags on my music. I usually go through each and every one to make sure it's perfect. I think that's probably what you have to do :P

    I think you (or the article) probably misinterpreted her words

    Oh it wasn't me saying that chuck said that, it was someone else saying "chuck's been making a documentary about lana for 5 years now" and me wondering if there was any validity to that!

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