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Posts posted by DCooper

  1. 20 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

    i had a nap earlier because i had two days of lana at bst then a eurostar to paris for lanas paris show then a eurostar this morning so i wasnt feeling tired but it’s hit me again so i need to SLEEP


    back to the TOPIC who do i think the most iconic insider is i think in terms of iconic behaviour the problematic lustforlife and thedollclub but 111 is the funniest. boz was probably most informative over the tunnel era but eclipse had his moments in previous eras 


    I don't know who is the most iconic insider (they're all a bit annoying at this point :toofunny: but you are the most iconic person of the week for being at both the London and the Paris show :oprah:

  2. Yikes the ending was awful. The show was finally improving a little with Jocelyn kicking him out and proving she had the upper hand, but then at the end they were like nvm Jocelyn & Tedros 4 lyfe. What a terrible show, so much wasted potential. I hope the original scripts leak, I would love to see what the show was meant to be. With that ending, this definitely does not need a second season.

  3. Episode 3 was terrible :toofloppy: I am genuinely surprised at this point that it made it to air. There's an interesting show lurking deep beneath the surface but this is just not it at all, the worst kind of cringe. 

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