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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. Something is definitely off but I don't think country music is to blame. I think she really was following her gut with Lasso and then something shifted in the last few months
  2. She always says "we" though, she loves including her team when discussing her music If she really meant the two remixes we are in darker times than we ever imagined, but I doubt Lana had anything to do with the remixes.
  3. I don't mind waiting, I just really hope she doesn't let outside influence get to her too much. She's been working on this album for years and Jack called it brilliant, and I believe that it will be. She's never been one to follow trends so she shouldn't let a lacklustre reaction to the album announcement change that. This seems to be unpopular, but I really was/am looking forward to her take on country.
  4. I really feel like the deadlines were achievable when she said it but something shifted when the crowd didn't react the way she wanted them to and then she got preoccupied with her relationship
  5. Even if no one cheered, I don't understand why she would care. She's Lana Del Rey. Who cares how people react to an announcement, just carry on unbothered with your next masterpiece on the horizon!
  6. By far the best movie of the year for me
  7. I don't think it was supposed to be boring but I do think it was supposed to be unsatisfying. It edged us the whole movie but was never planning on giving the Joker that people wanted. I personally wasn't bored.
  8. It's time to stop feeding the troll. Mods will be here soon with a ban I'm sure
  9. A story for another time doesn't sound great to me. Jack has had no problem hyping Lana up in the past. I get his reasoning in general, but it doesn't line up with his previous behaviour. Obviously tone is impossible to decipher in text, but I'm not getting a great feeling from that answer. I don't mean in terms of the music's quality, but I suspect a lot has been going on behind the scenes and it's possible Jack isn't thrilled with how things have unfolded.
  10. Honestly I've found this whole situation so hard to wrap my head around. Obviously we don't really know Lana but like many others have mentioned, we do know her on some level because she has chosen to share a lot of herself both through her art and the way that she communicates her feelings. A lot of us spend a significant amount of time on a forum dedicated to Lana, so of course we feel invested in both her artistic and personal endeavors. That doesn't mean we get to have a say in what she does, but it does mean that we care about the directions she chooses to go. Something feels very strange about all this. Personally I've never felt that any of Lana's past controversies were really problematic, but more so a combination of misunderstanding and overblown drama. This does feel different this time. I just can't really fathom how she could not only align herself so closely, but also marry someone who holds views like Jeremy does. Especially so close an election where the stakes are so high. She has been so clear in her stance against Trump in the past, and it's just disheartening to see her ignore all that for a marriage that seemingly came out of nowhere to a person who holds deeply concerning values. I know we don't know Jeremy, and I'm sure there are positive qualities to him, but it's hard not to feel uncomfortable about the whole thing. I wish nothing but the best for her and want her to be happy, but I genuinely hope she's okay. There are reasons to feel a bit of concern.
  11. DCooper

    Ethel Cain

    The proof is in the pudding
  12. DCooper

    Ethel Cain

    What in the hell is happening in this thread, all because Lindsay Lohan wanted a little attention?
  13. DCooper

    Ethel Cain

    To think that in a different timeline the only thing to talk about is Lasso coming out 10 days ago...
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the mods said discussing the marriage is on topic for this thread so I think it's fine to continue the discussion here, as long as it remains about Lana and Jeremy. Yesterday people were spiralling in other directions which is where the off-topic WPs came from.
  15. Someone asked BoZ if Hey Blue Baby would be on Lasso and he wrote: "Wouldn't count on it "
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