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Everything posted by DaytonaMeth

  1. This interview really pissed me off, David Letterman is such an insensitive jerk. I mean I felt bad when she cried at the end bc it was obvious she was only laughing at his mean jokes to keep herself from not crying <3 #teamlindsay4life
  2. flats + beat coat + sunglasses + a beanie what is wrong w/ this picture, almost like she's undecided as to which season it is.
  3. this is so sweet I remember how emotional she got in that video when she was in austrailia and that guy gave her a collage book and she wouldnt accept it because it was too nice/ didnt seem to think she deserved it because he had put so much effort and time into it <3 anyway, sending mine, who knows when I'll ever meet her (probably wont happen..)
  4. lmao more like we r the losers who didnt post. at least your room is clean! making momma proud
  5. ew cant post a picture bc its so messy. I have a desk next to my bed w/ so many books, papers and stuff I have saved from when I was like.....13 ie old diaries with me ranting about paris hilton being a bitch and stealing mary kates ex boyfriend named stravos years ago . I was such a stan of the olsen twins as a kid IDK WHY. 6 months worth of contacts, phone, I sleep with my ipod <3 + more stuff I cant come up with.
  6. u wish bxtch. And she's wearing heels, would think that adds to her height a little. or mb people in italy r tiny
  7. Finally a video showed up http://www.elle.it/Gossip/News/Lana-Del-Rey-Milano-Fashion-Week That lady who is answering for lana when someone asks her what she would like to drink like she's the queen of England though
  8. I thought her cover was better than the original oops, but its a really pretty song.
  9. lol he's gross, even if he hadnt said that shit about lana. like he's not even good looking, people have such low standards.
  10. xcuuse me that song is rly good n catchy!
  11. Yeah this is true, its why she also started singing in a much lower pitch than before because her voice is pretty high and she didnt think anyone would take her seriously. Same with the blonde hair. I guess she has a point (feel bad that a lof of people think blonde girls are ditzy and dumb - cant say I havent thought the same a couple of times THO, playing off stereotypes) but idk, I think since she's pretty much already established herself she could just go back to blonde any time but its like she's stuck in this ldr character and being blonde doesnt fit into it. ~~luv that color too though. its really pretty.
  12. ugh this is disgusting. I honestly have no words. I was just watching that video of one of those guys who raped her and he was fucking laughing and talking about it like it was no big deal omg I had to turn it off, felt like throwing up. I just...idk, makes me think about how some assholes say that girls deserve to be raped if they're wearing "provocative" outfits. Its so gross that I always have to think about what I'm wearing when I go out,watch over my shoulder when its late because you never know what creep might come up behind you and...ugh. Its one of my worst fears.
  13. This is the only picture I could think of/find
  14. omg sabrina!! used to love that show. Buffy and friends top my all time fave shows though. (Charmed was qt too)
  15. Pretty sure that's the exact one that Lana owns. The details are all the same.
  16. gawjusssssss I love it sfm + we got a smiling pic of lana del rey!! those r so rare <3
  17. You sound like someone who has literally never been to the UK.
  18. u could post the pictures here too, dont think everyone seen them. (and i think she owns an apartment there, no clue where it is though)
  19. this picture is honestly so creepy lol
  20. om interesting. (no but really though, this is really a great post, thanks for the all the info!)
  21. She looks so fucking HOT omg and I had almost lost all hope in her fashion sense. Why dont they style her like this all the time? Also, I think there's a possible collab w/ versace or did she just dress up for this event for fun??
  22. Yeah I remember that. What if her and barrie have their own place in London?? lol but its actually a good guess because so many people hunt her down while she's there and plus she usually travels with her team so a hotel is more suitable I think for events etc. She might use the house (if it exists) for vacations or something. who knows
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