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Pin Up Paradise

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Everything posted by Pin Up Paradise

  1. Whoever wrote this was actually serious :/ dunno what to think of it.
  2. oops sorry slapping my wrist for not finding these threads.
  3. Was on tumblr and found this blog who claim to have inside info about Lizzy. They have since deleted. Most of the info they 'leaked' sounds like bullshit??? did anyone else see this tumblr? http://25.media.tumblr.com/3012a6868912f38ebed9d7c94cd1c814/tumblr_mjtz9lGq6J1r72qjqo3_1280.png http://24.media.tumblr.com/101744d59b6a8e1d91cf17da6008e0ef/tumblr_mjtz9lGq6J1r72qjqo2_1280.png http://24.media.tumblr.com/cbccf133590e46f293491f846f3db2f0/tumblr_mjtz9lGq6J1r72qjqo1_1280.png
  4. i'm not that creepy sadly. might hang around that area more often though
  5. i just visited this shop and her apartment. the shop was awful.. £2.50 for doritos. and whilst i was in there a guy walked in with his mouth bleeding! lovely. her apartments on a shitty little street...
  6. I dunno if people have seen this already. i knew it and i'm pretty sure you guys did too can't wait to see bothhhh
  7. I have a feeling she's gonna do London radio station promo for this.
  8. oh my god i've been there so many times i go there to fix my Lucky Charms craving.
  9. that coat needs to go ASAP what's the shop she went too? I need to go there and stand at the doritos section
  10. and gives out free meth to everyone.
  11. we actually have a picture where her boobs are showing she has boobs i'm actually done with this shoot, best yet.
  12. Ben and Lana at the game :-) Edit: oops, already been posted.
  13. You can get that in any country. Tourists are attracted to the Queen and the Princes. I don't think it would have cost us much money (if you don't include our taxes ). In the long run it would have bought a huge profit. People came to visit the royal wedding, in which they needed acomidation, food, and whilst they was here most likely shopping. The first thing that comes to an American persons mind when they think of Britain must be 'Crumpets, Tea, Corgis'. Sorry to rant.
  14. Britain would fall economically without the Monarch. It's what keeps us going. What's in London for tourists to see that isn't anything to do with the royal family (except Big Ben and Downing Street). No tourists = no money being given to shops around in places. Look how much money we dragged in from the royal wedding.
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