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Pin Up Paradise

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Everything posted by Pin Up Paradise

  1. saw a photo of all the paradise merch and i'm sure i saved it, ill find it
  2. Pin Up Paradise


    Ahh number 1, very proud of her!
  3. Duke, what time did the show finish for you?
  4. why doesn't funny stuff like this happen to me
  5. my head of sixth form loves Lana and blasts Video Games from her office. she's apparently seen her live. she's a hippie
  6. Pin Up Paradise


    she's watched me perform live which i find a little strange.
  7. Pin Up Paradise


    This girl was in the year above me at my school, I see her alot as she comes to visit alot. Very proud of her!
  8. Fun Fact: I think Lana started crushing on Barrie after the I Don't Know Video.
  9. he mentioned me in that video (kinda)
  10. Don't get your hopes up over the new percussionist. Pudge is on maternity leave. Wasn't too fond of Pudge either
  11. ''Now my life is sweet like cinnamon, like a fucking dream i'm living in'' From Radio Because it's a beautiful line. And shows how much Lana wanted fame and how much she thinks of it. It's her dream. ''Red, white, blues in the sky, summers in the air, and baby heavens in your eyes'' From National Anthem its how I felt in my last relationship. ''I pray your life is sweet, you fucker, damn you'' From Damn You well that's pretty obvious. ''You will never see my face, if you don't get me out of this place now baby, i'm not crazy. i'm leaving are you coming with me?'' From Prom Song (Gone Wrong) Because it's like she's being a crazy bitch, then saying ''But i'm not crazy'' and i love that. ''You used to call yourself the don, and call me Queen Diana, you always made me blush, and say 'shut up are you bananas'.'' From Prom Song (Gone Wrong) the way she says the line is lovely and sums up the relationship she had with the man. her english teacher. ''If you wanna get high with me, i'm in the back doing crack drinking p-p-pepsi'' From Boarding School Because it shows how young she was when she was doing drugs. And the idea that doing drugs and drinking drinks like Pepsi was being an amazing rebel. ''Life is a velvet crowbar, hitting you over the head'' From Velvet Crowbar. Because it is. sometimes. ''Educated in the language of 'doing it''' From Boarding School Because erm shes educated in sex ''Death doesn't come with a warning'' From Velvet Crowbar
  12. don't mind however long she's on for. but i hope it's more than the usual video games and blue jeans. i want other songs. i payed nearly £40 for this
  13. If your life was a TV show, this would be the theme song: Diet Mtn Dew. Will you ever get to heaven?: Moi Je Joue Song you dance to at your wedding: Butterflies (Part 2) (Well, that will be a fun dance.) This song contains the name of your first-born: Velvet Crowbar. (Fuck. Do I look like a hollywood actor?) Song played at your funeral: Ghetto Baby (HAHA YES) What do you want right now?: Butterflies (no i'm scared of them) Song that describes your sex life: Smarty How will you die?: National Anthem Your life motto: Big Bad Wolf What do you look for in a girl/guy?: Methamphetamines Song that plays in your head when you see someone attractive: Dangerous Girl What people think of you: Aviation Where will you live?: Yayo What is your vice?: Lucky Ones What is the most important thing in your life?: Hit And Run Who do you look up to?: For K (Part 1)
  14. how do i change my member title?
  15. it was in the saturday newspaper! sorry i should have posted this earlier
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