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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. time gets wasted every day i watch the minutes tick away my brain is melting like a chocolate ice cream bar the characters on my tv, these people look like maggots to me and i wonder what the hell is wrong with me
  2. "Congratulations, you must of worked so hard to become a colossal jerk so quickly" - Daria Morgendorffer
  3. aw so i'm guessing you were a fan of her in 2004 too?
  4. how about you just leave this forum? you're revolting.
  5. situation critical - HEARTSREVOLUTION 'it's taken you guys quite some time to record your debut album, why did it take so long?' 'SHUT THE FUUUCCCCKK UPPP'
  6. as i said before, this isn't just about lana. stop being an inconsiderate prick, you're the one who's ridiculous pal.
  7. not necessarily celebrities but for example in the workplace, you're less likely to get employed if you don't wear makeup because you apparently look 'un-presentable'. and teenage girls are 'expected' to wear makeup.
  8. um i'm sorry, you joined today, you can't tell anybody else who this forum is for haha. i'm not a feminist, i just think everyone should be happy and feel comfortable in their own skin - is that such a bad thing? concerned about her style change? oh lord.
  9. this isn't just about lana - so many women are under pressure. hey what if a girl on this forum saw all this and got upset about her looks? it's unfair.
  10. so now you're going to put me down because of my age? you really do live up to your username.
  11. excuse me? how am i 'dumb' and 'socially uneducated' for thinking that people should wear whatever the fuck they want without these so called critics bitching? i'm a 15 year old girl, i see girls my age go through so much crap to fit in and it's heartbreaking. people fucking starve themselves to look a certain way - but i suppose you think that's okay too. quite frankly, you disgust me. that's true, but women are always expected to wear makeup, that pisses me off too.
  12. insectica (2004 version) - crystal castles
  13. what the hell are you talking about? i'm standing up for women in general.
  14. pardon me for thinking that the world is fucked up enough without people insisting women should look a certain way. is it any wonder why so many young girls have self esteem problems? whether she's famous or not, it makes no difference, no one should feel pressured to look a certain way.
  15. things like this annoy me, there's so much pressure on women to look good all the time, it's fucking wrong.
  16. lana wasn't born to impress people or to have men jack off over her. she's a human being, not an object. she shouldn't have to look any particular way.
  17. oh right, because she's a woman she should HAVE to look 'flawless' all of the time. she should have to spend her whole life trying to impress people who she doesn't even know personally.
  18. kill joy (my brain hurts) - HEARTSREVOLUTION pretty much describes how i feel today
  19. maybe she's not trying to impress people because she was under the impression that her fans weren't so shallow as to care about what she looks like anyway.
  20. supreme (interlude) - HEARTSREVOLUTION
  21. OMIGOSH LOL. yep, you've got lo who's spreading the love and then alice who's insulting everybody. and yours is that you like vanessa paradis and cats
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