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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. SWITCHBLADE EP - HEARTSREVOLUTION i had got it from 'other sources' before but then i finally had enough money to buy it on amazon for dl the other day. and halfaxa from grimes. omg such a good album.
  2. kill joy (my brain hurts) - heartsrevolution
  3. Mileena


    wow ok so i heard her like last july but i've been really into her lately. her music is so phenomenal and unique, it's very relaxing and it's just unlike anything i've ever heard before. personally, i prefer halfaxa over visions - but maybe visions will grow on me some more. anyone know where i can get the vinyl of halfaxa?
  4. it's fine if people are referring to her music, i prefer a lot of the lizzy grant era stuff myself. but i was referring to those annoying 12 years olds.
  5. ok here's mine 1) i don't want to rifle through her personal life too much, it's not any of my goddamn business. 2) i find a lot of lana fans incredibly annoying (as in the team lana crap) 3) i think it's bullshit when people 'prefer lizzy grant' - how fucking pretentious. 4) i don't think lana's a queen, i hate royalty so i would never refer to her as that
  6. ultraviolence - heartsrevolution
  7. for fucks sake, america is NOT the world. i love the place, but you're spouting some serious crap.
  8. i agree. i find a lot of the time her lyrics don't actually make sense.
  9. were the chords to last girl on earth and playing dangerous ever posted?
  10. 'crystal castles have a new album out called heartsrevolution' wtf srsly how is this anything like this different genres, different messages, different everything the only thing they have in common is that there's a female vocalist and a male producer
  11. impossible for me to choose, but i think that all the way throughout the second version of come when you call me america she sounds hot as fuck.
  12. there's already an EG topic.
  13. other eps? there aren't any.
  14. NEW MIXTAPE NEXT WEEK :airplease:
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