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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. power (interlude) - heartsrevolution
  2. i was wondering too 'cause i've never actually listened to them
  3. rolos...again i seem to have a thing for them
  4. Mileena

    The Sims

    i think that if something's starting to get bad then it should just stop before it gets any worse. this is just my personal opinion, but i really can't stand the seamless neighbourhood. it takes longer than a loading screen, it's ridiculous. i don't want to see my sim driving everywhere, i spend more time watching my sim drive around time than i do playing the game properly. i think the sims are as ugly as sin, i mean, seriously? the patterns are crappy, the graphics just look strange to me, it all looks a bit blurry. and it's like you get that thing on the side that pops up and it's like 'congratulations! your sim just ate a burger' - well, not exactly but you know what i mean. you have to buy the ingredients and everything and that takes forever. as for expansion packs, they're all just based off 1 and 2 so what's the point? it's just a big rip off. and the amount of memory it takes up on a computer is beyond stupid. i've tried to play it for 4 years, but i just truly can't stand it.
  5. Mileena

    The Sims

    sims 4? god no please, 3 was bad enough.
  6. Mileena

    Stuff I Like.....

    ooh i love little boots!
  7. she kind of reminded me of pudsey the children in need bear tonight but like in a good way
  8. white musk incense cones and the outnumbered boxset.
  9. Mileena


    for me it was her 'halfaxa' album that really got me into her, but it depends on what sort of music you like. 'geidi primes' is great if you're a fan of a more guitary-ish sound (wow my musical knowledge), 'halfaxa' is great if you like the sound of meditation music and 'visions' is perfect if you're into electronic. on 'visions' my personal favourites are 'circumambient', 'vowels = space and time' and 'colour of moonlight'. just listen to the album all the way throughout with an open mind. on 'geidi primes' i really love 'rosa', 'shadout mapes' and 'grisgris', but a lot of people don't like the 'geidi primes' album. and then on 'halfaxa' which i dare say is my favourite album, 'dream fortress' is absolutely phenomenal and so is 'favriel'. on youtube there's a 40 minute long video (or about that) which features fan favourites from all 3 albums as well as things from 'darkbloom'. just listen to a track that you like the name of(:
  10. Mileena


    alcholism, drugs, being heartbroken a lot, probably family problems from where she was alcohol dependent (and also the song 'my momma' if it is true), living in a trailer park. she's experienced more than a lot of people ever will in their life.
  11. sorry that yours wasn't so great! hopefully that won't happen to anybody else though.
  12. Mileena


    to me, lizzy is somebody who has had a lot of difficulties in her life and as somebody else said, because she went to boarding school at a young age, she is still probably always seeking a home and security. lizzy knows what it's like to not have security, and to lose people in her life and she knows that nothing lasts forever. i think she's a vulnerable, but a very sweet lady who wouldn't want people to suffer the same way she has. i think she goes through phases and different looks because she has always been lacking something in her life and because of the way she dealt with alcohol dependance, she probably creates stage personas to make up for that loss. i totally get it, it's nice to reinvent yourself sometimes and try something new, it helps to deal with all the problems you have. i love the fact that she's so mysterious and not always in the news, that really pleases me. she comes across as a very genuine and kindhearted person. lizzy is such an inspiration to me and i really hope i can see her next month. i've gone off tangent, but she's been through so much, is it any wonder she is always searching?
  13. honestly i have no idea what either would sound like, it's really challenging to even imagine it. but, i'd really love to see the 'lana del rey' spin on the other tracks on aka, it'd be interesting.
  14. Mileena

    White Ring

    kendra accpeted my friend request on facebook erhmegerd
  15. Mileena


    really? i think the acting's pretty good, i think that the kids are very realistic haha.
  16. Mileena


    Outnubmered is a British comedy about a dysfunctional family and the kids are the cutest especially Karen oh my god. But seriously, it's genuinely hilarious and I'm not big on comedy or tv or anything.
  17. i agree, it's really awful and shitty. thoughts are with everybody x
  18. i could buy it at the show, but i'd rather get a shirt there 'cause i'm travelling like the other end of the country so the book could get bashed around.
  19. when you write 'rey' instead of 'ray' like i was once in a science class and we had to write about rays and i kept writing rey
  20. wow, it's magnificent! 20 euros is about £15 so I can buy it as soon as it's up on the site!
  21. yeah, i forgot that we all know her personally.
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