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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. i agree with coneyislandking as well, she doesn't owe anybody anything. but with her, i've always found that she prefers to keep the focus on her music, rather than her - and i can't blame her because lana's personal life is fuck all to do with anybody, we found her because of her music, right? you guys complain when she keeps being coy, then you go mad when she might just be in a bad mood, i mean come on really. none of us know lana personally (no, meeting her doesn't count), maybe she's completely different at home. i think she also gets bad vibes from people, she did once say that she can work out everything she needs to know when she first meets somebody, she may have just felt uncomfortable.
  2. Mileena

    Kylie Minogue

    she's iconic omg i love her
  3. Mileena


    omg yes, i love her!
  4. that's a good point actually, she has just been on a super long tour and she is probably exhausted and probably not feeling very well, and she's not had an american interview in ages and also, while the questions were interesting, 'you think you're a gypsy?' does sound rather rude. and maybe lana's answers come across as more rude on a text, we don't know what her tone was when she was saying these things, she's usually very light-hearted when she talks so i don't think it was her intention to be rude.
  5. i don't believe in the illuminati, no way. these so called 'illuminati' symbols are bs, the eye of horus is egyptian, as a pagan, i use it a lot, triangles were around before conspiracy theories. honestly, i'm sick of all these nut job websites bullshitting, they're the real brainwashers.
  6. but she can, whether she's famous or not. why shouldn't she?
  7. i see where she's coming from, people will never truly know what all of those songs mean to her, and they'll never know what she's actually like as a person to live with, be in a relationship with, be friends with. maybe she just doesn't feel like she's understood by anybody. i think she's a very complex person and she probably overthinks a lot so then she probably gets into a certain mental state.
  8. i'm with you there! i've done little experiments like that before and i do a lot of philosophy, i wouldn't be surprised if she'd done that too.
  9. i don't mean this in a mean way whatsoever, but maybe she does actually have a kind of personality disorder. i mean, it wouldn't surprise me. of course, that's not a bad thing but yeah. even her songs are kind of split when you think about it.
  10. why's everyone so surprised? lana del rey is pretentious and she always contradicts herself haha!
  11. and just because she's putting out another album doesn't necessarily mean she's all that bothered about it persey. maybe she's just feeling more relaxed about it. who knows?
  12. i actually really love this interview, again, i feel a lot of a connection with her. i thought the questions were very interesting and i loved her answers. the more i read about her, the more i'm fascinated.
  13. i don't get why it would annoy her, she's not even said anything about the leaks annoying or upsetting her, she's actually just spoken about her favourite which is puppy love. she spoke light-heartedly about them, so i don't know why people are saying she's annoyed.
  14. i don't think lana really gets that bothered, when she spoke about the leaked songs for that radio she wasn't going 'omg i h8 it so much' so idk.
  15. i'd be up for it as long as they weren't changed around, just put into a better quality. oh and they need to be on a beautiful boxset
  16. y'all are bitching about dms but she doesn't even follow me.
  17. Mileena

    This or That

    answer pie or cake
  18. that'd be great for a fanfiction website
  19. i'll try that order out! but here's a flop fan confession - i hardly listen to break my fall lol.
  20. i want those glasses omg! i'm in love with that look.
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