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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. no Singles: Ultraviolence EPs: C.Y.O.A! Switchblade Hearts Japan Are We Having Fun Yet?
  2. black beauty is a tragic book about a horse, it's a good book. anyway, geeky moment over. can't fucking wait, read this at school and i started grinning wildly - it was weird 'cause i was by myself though. CAN'T FUCKING WAIT OMG.
  3. i wish their label would stop fucking stuff up for them 'cause then some people are like 'oh ben and lo can't be bothered to do anything', well that's not true at all. #Cut4HEARTSREVOLUTION jk
  4. Mileena

    White Ring

    it's nesiccarry (can't spell it ffs), i need to know whether or not i'm the only person with #HipsterCred they're a very hit and miss taste, i think you either really dig it or you think their music's shit
  5. i can't wait for ride or die by heartsrevolution. it's meant to drop sometime in spring but that can be anytime...
  6. hanging on f.t tinie tempah - ellie goulding
  7. let freedom ring (for the rx generation) - heartsrevolution perfect way to begin a shitty sunday morning
  8. 10/10: fucking sick and a million times better than they're previous stuff (although that stuff was dope too!). i love the way lo tells it how it is and how every track sounds completely different. oh and 'situation critical' was the perfect opener - taking the piss out of all those big record producers haha, love it.
  9. i agree with most of what you said apart from the newspaper, newspapers aren't reality either, they're over-sensationalised garbage. it's fine if you like that kind of thing, i don't think that's a bad thing, i'm just saying that young women shouldn't want to be like somebody on the cover of vogue - because that's fantasy.
  10. i wasn't being extreme, i was being honest. people don't know the impact of society's ideals. there's nothing wrong with a dress code for a work place, but i was right about women not being hired if they don't wear makeup even if they are suitable applicants. and i'm sorry, but you don't know what it's like to have low self esteem ALL of the time - it's horrible, it drags you down, it stops you having a good quality of life (having no confidence is HORRIBLE). if the world wasn't such a shallow place - people wouldn't feel so fucking low all of the time. this vogue crap is a fantasy, your average woman doesn't look like that - they're all fucking photoshopped. it wouldn't be so bad if they showed a woman with a zit or whatever.
  11. it's easy for people to say something like that when they obviously don't know what it's like to suffer from self esteem problems. i know so many girls my age and younger who are at a perfectly fine weight but still insist that they're fat just 'cause they don't have a 'gap between their thighs' (or whatever it is). i'm not posing as a victim, i'm just saying that a lot of women feel extremely pressured by society and i don't think it's on. i never even said girls cut themselves because they feel fat, so don't take my words out of proportion.
  12. totally, the production is way better in my opinion. and that's exactly what i was thinking, very similar to CC in that way, CC's first album was very all over the shop but then they started to find their sound in II and now they're fully established in III. it's good that HR released eps to experiment with though before releasing an album that they're really happy with. it's also really nice to hear more of lo's voice on AWHFY, i adore her lyrics. i especially love the song 'supreme', i love the jumpy beat and the way it's like a click your fingers sort of beat.
  13. i think it's great 'cause they've really found their sound. a lot of people are like 'the days of hearts japan are better' - but i have to disagree. HJ was good in its own way but i can only listen to it so many times before i get bored, and imho the beginning of 'dance 'till dawn' sounds too much like 'empathy' by crystal castles for me to get into it. but yes AWHFY is definitely so much better and their recent songs from a couple of months ago are fly too. i really can't wait for their debut album!
  14. ah right, i'm not really the movie type, so sorry about that. and uh cool, gonna add that to my list of nicknames.
  15. you make perfect sense to me chick, i totally get what you're saying. if you wear no makeup, you're considered lazy and people think you're skanky, but alternatively, if you wear too much makeup - you're a slut (even though of course, that isn't the case). when i wear more makeup to school than usual, everyone's like 'oh dia, you're so pretty with makeup on' - nope, that's offensive. i don't wear much makeup 'cause i don't particularly want to. haha sorry for rambling on but yeah, i get you.
  16. what even makes people think she's done? she has a tour this year and she's been writing for movies. it's up to lana when she wants to settle down, but you know, settling down doesn't mean you're finished with your career.
  17. 10 4 being sebastian and omfg yes, lo is a milf. she's my inspiration <3
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