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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. empathy - crystal castles but i'm listening to it backwards 'cause i wanna hear da voice of satan
  2. in a clumsy way, i was trying to say that people should shut up about her looks because her primary job is as a musician. is that a better definition?
  3. B&B has got to be one of the funniest shows of all time.
  4. uh then why are we even having this conversation? i said that she's signed to next modeling or whatever it's called.
  5. Mileena

    In My Pants

    knights in my pants
  6. yes. it doesn't matter if she was signed with next models, her main job is a musician. she's marketed as a musician, that's where most of her profits come from - she's a musician.
  7. Mileena


    "Why don't you go find a quiet corner somewhere and practice being an individual?" oh daria.
  8. not really. she's primarily a musician.
  9. i think her eyes can look weird from bags though a lot of the time. it happens. but she should do whatever makes her happy, surely? at least she's not doing meth or anything like that, that shit really fucks your face up. when i'm older i'd like to have surgery done, people say 'oh you don't need it' but tbh, if you feel as if you need to alter your face, i don't see what's so bad about it. because she's a musician, she's not a model so i don't even pay any attention to her face half the time. but perhaps i'm just from a different mindset. wow i thought i was the only fan like this! i'm a hardcore fan of her, my walls are covered in pictures of her, i have a huge collection, yet i still don't care about her relationships. until i see enough sufficient evidence that she's older than what she says (i.e: id) i'm saying she's 26. thank fucking god i'm not the only fan who doesn't care about trivial matters!
  10. i'd love a re-release, it'd be interesting, and if it's crap, we've always got the original album. btw, why is everyone saying that 'younger fans won't appreciate it'? i'm one of the younger fans on this forum and i had lots of AKA songs before born to die was even released. there's lots of 'casual fans' but it doesn't mean they're young.
  11. here's my unpopular opinion: i don't care how she looks, sure she has her bad days, but so do i. and even on my good days, lana still looks better than me on her bad days. when people say she looks 'old' i just facepalm so hard, how old is old? she's often tired, tiredness doesn't look good on anyone. she's a musician at the end of the day.
  12. why not? just because she's famous doesn't mean she's exempt from having an opinion on other musicians. i can't stand gaga (or most mainstream musicians for that matter) and i think that lana still does dislike her. i can't blame her though.
  13. ok botox is for wrinkles. and tbh she's been out for pretty much every day in the past year or so, it does make people older because you obviously look more fatigued and tired. i'm always tired and i look a good few years older and i'm definitely not old.
  14. Mileena

    White Ring

    OMG. bryan accepted my friend request!
  15. Mileena

    One Direction

    no idea, i'm not even a fan but yeah they're pretty yummy together ;')
  16. Mileena

    One Direction

    do feel free to post more nial and zayn pictures. my new guilty pleasure
  17. Mileena

    One Direction

    why am i enjoying seeing those nial and zayn pictures? oh man
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