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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. Mileena


    my favourite episodes: road worrier (my ultimate favourite tbh) i loathe a parade fire! the misery chick the old and the beautiful the new kid pierce me through a lens darkly daria! (second fave i believe) lane miserables the lost girls i agree, i like esteemers and the invitation, but it gets good after college bored.
  2. i just burst into tears and my dad was like 'omg what's wrong' and i was like 'lana's won a godamn brit!' haha!
  3. i fucking cried when she won a brit last year COME ON LANA YOU BITCH FUCKING WIN
  4. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    i didn't like III at first, but then it really grew on me. give it a couple more listens and you#ll probably like it.
  5. and i don't understand all these so called critics anyway, they're trying to enforce opinions on the public about musicians and that's not right. it's psychological manipulation if you ask me tbh.
  6. Mileena


    idk, my school's full of them. i even have a workaholic mum and a younger sibling that gets the attention haha.
  7. how do you know it would be best for her exactly? she can hardly cope with american critics. but you can gaurentee that it'll be tampered with, i'm guessing that the original songs would be treated like demos. i don't trust producers. THANK YOU. this is exactly what my concern is to. and no matter what people say, it's about doing what's best for the fans.
  8. Mileena


    i'm so glad i recently discovered her. i also like it because every character is somewhat likeable in their own little way.
  9. yes but even so, she's still not as well known as rihanna for example (thankfully).
  10. a big part of me wants ldr aka lg to be released again, but then i also think 'what if they butcher it?' *cough diet mountain dew cough*. but i'm glad she's not on a massive label, i'm happy to have her less well known.
  11. thank fuck she doesn't. my mum would fly off the handle and it'd be no del rey gigs for me.
  12. Mileena


    so over the past few days i've been watching a lot of daria, the show was done a few months before i was born, however it's highly relevant. i would say that daria is an inspiration of sorts, i like the fact that she's herself, can stand up for herself and isn't shy to say her opinion. i'm exactly the same, and i can't stand the people i go to school with. so it's nice to be able to relate. besides, the theme tune wins
  13. you've got to remember that different things affect different people. to her, it must of felt like she had to spend a day with beavis&butthead, was forced to eat her own crap and then kicked in the face by a donkey - unpleasant in other words. a lot of american critics were highly unjustified, and she didn't have to respond - why the hell should she?
  14. release aka again for fucks sake, send some stuff to me (as in nadia) and obviously get a new manager.
  15. Mileena


    i did the amazon prime thing last year i think so idk what's going on with that. when my money in the bank's cleared i'm going to order it from this site that specialises in boxsets. i need that boxset in my life
  16. Mileena


    idek what an amazon prime is and because i'm appalling with technology, i'm not even gonna bother. but i have seen it on other sites for like £26 so i'm happy to pay that. but on amazon it's like £50 wtf
  17. Mileena


    after a great deal of procrastination, i'm going to buy that 8 disc boxset. at least i'll have something to do.
  18. Mileena


    any daria fans here? when i first read daria i read it as 'diarrhea' woops.
  19. i honestly don't care how she looks, it's up to her at the end of the day. however, i really love it when she's ginger. i have a thing for redheads.
  20. that's true, but surely she would of had to of had complete facial reconstruction? and i'm sorry but there's no way that she has. she's most likely had something done to her nose and lips but everything else is the same.
  21. Mileena


    you always have a dirty old man post(:
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