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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. Mileena


    i don't even read articles - i don't need some so called critic to tell me what to like or dislike. and jessica rabbit has bigger tits gosh. i do srsly, i have like this really deep arty pretentious side. she might of done, she might not of, tbh i don't give a fuck whether she's had surgery or not - her body, her life, her choices. and if i could like get a new nose i would. fuck that actually, i'd get a new face lol.
  2. love this song so much. definitely the best recent leak i'd say. but then again, when i heard the title before i figured it'd be a good song.
  3. Mileena


    but i say my body is art but i haven't had anything done (apart from on my teeth) and i'm not going to have anything done. and you can have a 'cartoon' personality - it's thematic.
  4. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    show up throw up into the womb
  5. Mileena


    mb but i wake up to stuff like this, so noir is breakfast
  6. hi it's the internet - don't take everything you see literally
  7. Mileena


    black is often used as a negative colour, it's also used as a colour for heartbreak a lot.
  8. Mileena


    as someone who digs alice glass because of her angry passion - this song is fucking awesome. angry lana? i've dreamnt of this for ages.
  9. Mileena


    i'll be lurking around in anticipation
  10. plague - crystal castles relating to that song so much like a sad emo cunt
  11. Mileena


    show me your best, i'm curious now :badbitch:
  12. Mileena


    mb you should write her songs
  13. i don't know every song she's ever done, but yeah i dig her music a lot.
  14. new list you & me (my new fave) hundred dollar bill come when you call me america playing dangerous kinda outta luck (the lyrics are fantastic but the shitty music kills it for me) delicious (yep i love that song)
  15. discuss siouxsie's godliness here. dizzy is beautiful and so underrated :mhm:
  16. fuckity fuck fucks. my dad works in london and he couldn't get me a damn paper!?
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