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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. i personally think she did meth for a couple of months. have you seen how fucked up people look after a year?
  2. been drinking regular mtn dew for years and same with pepsi
  3. i've been wondering the same myself, i am certain she has had or does have depression and there's something else i'm sure.
  4. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    that album can slay everything i want to write a fanfic about alice and ethan babysitting...i might post it in this topic
  5. she's only been in the public eye properly for a year, if she fucked it up then that'd be disastrous give it another year and she probably will though.
  6. the fuck? how is this anyone's business? digging up her songs is one thing, but discussing about whether her and her boyfriend should be together is just dickish.
  7. yes get some official merch please. i'd give an arm for an official t-shirt. and because i paid a lot of money for 3 gig tickets, i hope it's fucking good since i'm also travelling to the other end of the country lol. oh and she should contact crystal castles to remix some of her stuff - that'd be my dream.
  8. i'm open to anything when it comes to music, it'd be interesting. but i don't think lyrics are everything in music, there's plenty of music i like where lyrics aren't the key focus.
  9. Mileena


    i don't even read articles - i don't need some so called critic to tell me what to like or dislike. and jessica rabbit has bigger tits gosh. i do srsly, i have like this really deep arty pretentious side. she might of done, she might not of, tbh i don't give a fuck whether she's had surgery or not - her body, her life, her choices. and if i could like get a new nose i would. fuck that actually, i'd get a new face lol.
  10. love this song so much. definitely the best recent leak i'd say. but then again, when i heard the title before i figured it'd be a good song.
  11. Mileena


    but i say my body is art but i haven't had anything done (apart from on my teeth) and i'm not going to have anything done. and you can have a 'cartoon' personality - it's thematic.
  12. Mileena

    Crystal Castles

    show up throw up into the womb
  13. Mileena


    mb but i wake up to stuff like this, so noir is breakfast
  14. hi it's the internet - don't take everything you see literally
  15. Mileena


    black is often used as a negative colour, it's also used as a colour for heartbreak a lot.
  16. Mileena


    as someone who digs alice glass because of her angry passion - this song is fucking awesome. angry lana? i've dreamnt of this for ages.
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