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Everything posted by Ryusei

  1. when the forums were at war we just kept dancing
  2. I can't deal with everyone here hating at least 1 of the 4 flawless tracks we have been given by the matcha overlord. I couldn't be more thrilled about the album (well i could if we had a release date but whatever) it somehow feels so accessible and vulnerable. Also Lana still uses real instruments, something I'm seriously missing in music currently.
  3. nobody who is saying they're unstanning is actually unstanning cause everyone is thirsty for NFR whether they admit it or not and not caring about happiness is a butterfly is homophobic
  4. Ryusei

    Charli XCX

    Why 2023, they obviously already evolved.. I am confused but whatever to each their own. I would research this stuff but I'm already procrastinating as is so... later
  5. Ryusei

    Charli XCX

    this bitch is going to LUXEMBOURG but is skipping switzerland, ok charli I see how it is...
  6. Ryusei

    Charli XCX

    Charli feat. HAIM? omg what a serve. Fuck me up Charlotte
  7. what does that mean? What do Hillary duff and Taylor Swift have in common?
  8. I made matcha white chocolate chip cookies once, they were pretty good but I guess the Matcha mostly just added color and a tiny bit of flavor.
  9. Ryusei

    Kim Petras

    not my #1, Do Me stays there but it's in the top half
  10. This bitch could just release the album and we'd all be like yaaas Cinnamon in my puss from your kiss mom you look so good spinning classes yaaas
  11. Ryusei

    Kim Petras

    I dont think anything will beat Do Me for me but I'll gladly be proven wrong. I'll check back at midnight...
  12. Ryusei

    Charli XCX

    Well I hope there will at least be some unexpected features.
  13. I don't think she hates paradise, she wouldnt have performed Cola so much if she did. She pulled a "only not performing it anymore because she got caught" if the Weinstein thing didnt happen you bet she'd still be singing that song as much as I am listening to it.
  14. We just need Azealia to ask Lana about NFR on twitter, she'll reply.
  15. I love that she always stays true to a certain aesthetic sound-wise but still switches things up. Every album had its own thing and NFR's (if it still exists ) is being stripped down and piano-driven. I wouldnt want her to make 5 Born To Dies or Ultraviolences
  16. I had no idea who Norman Rockwell or Sylvia Plath were before Lana mentioned them... lol
  17. this sounds like something a youtube beauty guru would say
  18. I was really excited about the poetry book... until it didnt come for months and months just holding up the album release...
  19. If i could have one superpower it would be to see into people's minds and see their whole story and shit.. would certainly be interesting to do that with Ms. Elizabeth... Someone needs to write like a whole expose-thread or smth. debunking lies.
  20. Ryusei

    Charli XCX

    She added: ALSO THE COLLABORATIONS GUESS WHO ANGELS on instagram... yay...
  21. Ryusei


    Ms. Sophie? Ms. Sophie! Oh my god, she fucking dead
  22. Ryusei


    it is partially. There are clips of all the songs including some full ones. I'll wait until friday but I'm hearing a lot of positive things
  23. So.. I wasnt on here during LFL release and pre-release but I didn't think it was really messy at all except the whole thing leaking. Can anyone enlighten me on how it was "messy"? Cause i dont quite get that..
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