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Everything posted by TROPICUM


    Britney Spears

    let me become a stan before the little britknees come and kill everybody

    Britney Spears

    would you hold it against me
  3. Then you're fine! Let the people who gave heroin a 6 or WTWWAWWKD a 5 ROT
  4. This. Only if you gave Cherry a 10 tho
  5. Cherry got SNUBBED TNC deserved better
  6. HighByTheDick would have been better but ok sis go off lowkey jealous i didnt register with that name tho
  7. now, i know this is a place which you can have free opinion on anything or whatever, but this, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE to the community you are on today. How dare you all??? how??
  8. complicated may i say. maybe hate ha ass for his personality but that face Cherries
  9. pollo fundido? did they melt that fuckin chicken or... also is this the random conversation thread? bitvh the fuck i hope you enjoy it tbh im hungry gimme some
  10. the sad part is that knowing lana its very likely to happen
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