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Everything posted by TROPICUM

  1. i cant with all the talent in this forum
  2. Tour confirmed. Pls dont let it be only UK and europe that would DESTROY me


    how could someone dare to do this to the queen
  4. Basically, if someone gets in that page there's a possibility of finding the cover.
  5. someone create an account and see pls i wanna be sure its not there
  6. Guys, I don't wanna be extra but this seems like the beggining of something really big, aswell as bad
  7. she's gonna release lfl and then be so done with the gays. see y'all in 2020 for LDR6
  8. if that 2000s font is used as the title im suing
  9. NO NEWS!?!?! Not even an old leak? A snippet? Release date? Cover? this girl is trynna kill me
  10. ticket master says theres a new date on london for Lana. and china.shit is over
  11. everyone is excited and going to see Lana and im here in latin america waiting for a tour
  12. ugh i gotta disagree with u but halsey is so untalented... i literally like Now or Never a little because it's RIPOFF of Needed Me.
  13. Brazilians i remember they were having an orgasm in twitter when it leaked.
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