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Groupie Lover

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Posts posted by Groupie Lover

  1. Of course it is. She's not doing anything to keep up the excitement since Coachella.

    she is literally announcing 2 photoshoots, 4-5 interviews and social media. do you need more?....

  2. Does anybody know if she's gonna have a real tour, or just festivals? (Lana teas)

    shes touring once she releases Melodrama, unlike lana  :eek:

    Her hype is over

    wrong, coming back after 4 years :oprah:  with a new album and getting an impressive amount of support :oprah3:  really shows that she was one of the most expected artists to come back :oprah2:  so try again  :oprah3:

  3. She already reworked it though. She had a concept in 2015, then it grew into something else as she said it became more politically heated. Enough is enough, it's been almost 2 years. It'll be great, she just needs to release this collage of an album and start working on something fresh if that's the case. Or take a break to re-evaluate her aethetic or whatever she want's to do

    i agree but you can´t say when it's enough tho :hottie:

  4. I think they're probably weighing the pros and cons of what they'll make with a pre-order versus what they'll lose if the whole thing leaks early. They will probably meet somewhere in the middle and do a preorder close to the release date. I bet that's why she kind of purposefully put the names tomorrow never came and yosemite out there and leaked the stevie nicks collab out there- to create some hype and interest without compromising the whole thing

    seems kinda off, i don´t think she think about that much tho

  5. I quit my degree, dumped my boyfriend and removed my friends and family from my life by faking my own death. I sold my flat and moved away to a secluded shack in rural Spain. I sit on my laptop every hour of the day hitting refresh waiting for the album. I have all my food delivered and a cleaner that comes once a week so I don't have to take time off my refreshing. Also I only sleep for 20 minute periods at a time so I don't miss anything.

    is this true?, i don't want to offend you, but i honestly can't tell

  6. No.


    Do you agree that ghosts are real?

    A BIG FAT YES MY GOD  :oprah:  :oprah:

    I think there's a general balance to life, yes, but I don't think karma rules everything or that everyone gets their due if they deserve it (unfortunately :P)


    Cellphones cause more harm than good. Agree?


    do you prefer instagram or snapchat?

  7. Yes if you were wearing a pad and your undies haven't gotten dirty at all


    Do you agree that compost bins should be provided at all work institutes



    do you think that someone has the right to abort because they only wanted to have fun or do you think they should take responsibility for their actions?

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