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The Missing Shade of Blue

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Everything posted by The Missing Shade of Blue

  1. Not to sound conspiratorial but this issue was resolved a little too neatly, tied up with a pretty bow and everything
  2. I feel so horrible for non-US content creators who heavily rely on a US audience/clientele to sustain their businesses. It seems so silly to lament the end of an app but a lot of people's livelihoods will be affected by this
  3. What an incredible ceremony. Congrats to all the winners! Before we hit the afterparty, I'm just gonna lay my head to rest here for like five minutes...
  4. Smoke break, these Nectar of the Puss shots aren't sitting well in my stomach
  5. I'm dying to know if you took these shots at the beginning of the awards or if you're taking brand new pics as you hear about your wins in real time
  6. Anybody want some of the whiskey I hid in my purse? The waiters are taking too long
  7. I'm so glad! This is the first one I'm staying up for. Don't know if I'll last the whole night tho, especially after drinking all those Nectar of the Puss shots
  8. Omg congrats @BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou and @Nectar Of The Puss I voted for both of you!
  9. Came here to serve cunt but also wanted to pay my respects to American Tik Tok
  10. It's not enough to have ruined the song for me, but every time before the second chorus hits in The Blackest Day when she sings Now that he's gone, I can't feel nothing
  11. The Right Person Will Stay by Lana Del Rey will be released May 21 2025, conspicuously almost 13 000 days after the release of Belgian techno anthem Pump Up The Jam
  12. This is the main issue. Trump as an individual is one thing, but it's the millions of people and politicians he's galvanised into radical alt-right nutjob thinking that will carry on his legacy. Vance, Cruz, Desantis and so many more are merely a glimpse of what's to come. And on top of that, this will only propel the Democratic party further to the right to appease the masses.
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