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White Hot Forever

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Everything posted by White Hot Forever

  1. It hasn't shipped yet but when it gets here I definitely will
  2. I gave her the benefit of the doubt with the LFL signed vinyls/lithographs but there's such a clear difference with these The one I ordered from the french store better be authentic
  3. I just got home from work and my amazon variant is here!! It's so beautiful I definitely wouldn't call it beige, it's more of a peachy orange like others have said.. also there's spots on the edges where it's almost clear which I think is unique. Can't wait to play it!
  4. Current quantities on lanadelreystore.com: 19 blankets 22 candles 53 prints 80 patches 94 face masks
  5. Wait a damn minute... the candles are $40 each?
  6. All of it is so cute take my money!!!
  7. Yeah, all of the picture discs have the same picture on both sides
  8. Mine is coming tomorrow because my parents have prime
  9. I cancelled mine a while ago and was going to reorder it later on, but seeing it now I'm not sure if I will Maybe I'll get it eventually if it goes on sale somewhere
  10. Tbh I'm a little disappointed by the boxset. Only 6 lithographs and they're all in black and white? And the only neil litho is of chuck and charlie, one is of her leg, and one is the standard cover? I like the idea of a patch but I don't like that it's ketchup and mustard colored. Her recent boxsets pale in comparison to the btdpd and UV boxsets and that's a fact.
  11. The color is so much better than I expected! It's definitely subtle but I like it
  12. None of my 7 orders have been processed or shipped
  13. The sleeve is actually clear, it just looks gray in the mockup
  14. They also wrote a review for VBBOTG but it's not on the metacritic page so I don't think so
  15. Here is a link to the full review https://louderthanwar.com/lana-del-rey-chemtrails-over-the-country-club-album-review-released-march-19th/
  16. The pictures look so beautiful in color why do the box set lithographs have to be in black and whiteeeee
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