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Posts posted by Creyk

  1. she has almost 17 million people following her and more than a million idolizing her..the ammount of donations we could get from that audience would make such a difference :rip: really baffled at the fact that she uses her audience in the worst way possible

    You can donate all you want if you feel so up for it, it would certainly be a better use of your time than bitching about a star online about something she does not have to do.

  2. Really not trying to be insensitive or to talk the BLM-matter itseld down in any way, but outside of your twitter-and-instagram-fandom-and-haters-bubble, at this point noone cares whether some random pop singer talks about the issue or not. Y'all acting as if Lana not saying anything is a major catastrophe.

    This. It literally does not matter. It's on the news 24/7. Everyone knows about it already. Leave Lana alone.

  3. i don't understand the ones saying she shouldn't RAISE AWARENESS on POLICE BRUTALITY bc they're afraid a few trolls are gonna send her hate :rip: :rip: :rip:


    innocent people are literally getting MURDERED pls??? wtf are y'all on!!!

    And what would her tweeting about it change? It's the talk of the town already, everybody knows about it.

    People who want her to tweet are so dumb. Because if she posts, that is the problem because you just know there will be some nitpick about what she says. And if she doesn't post then she is a bad person. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  4. A new song called broken glass came out today :) It's more of a chill sound than what we got used to from Kim, but it's nice :) Sorta like magnetic but with a more refined production.

  5. Well...the songs being so short just made me appreciate Lana all that much more, she is a singer who did not yet give in to the expectations of the streaming era and continues to make proper, long songs. She truly has artistic integrity and does it for the right reasons.

  6. Did you guys notice how she was looking at the right side so so much? Do you think someone else was in the room with her, maybe holding up cards about all the topics she should mention? It was so noticeable after a while.

  7. Don't feed the troll. They operate on a lower level from the normal human and just desperately try to get attention in any way they can, even if they are only capable of getting negative attention.

  8. i think some of her response was wrong, but i agree she was wrongly attacked in the first place

    Granted, she is too emotional for her own good sometimes but people were quick to intentionally twist and misrepresent her words.

  9. gonna listen on headphones '-' but I don't think I go change my mind. The song is good but I wish we could have a The Fame Monster vibes back

    If only....she's never going back.

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